
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class DocumentSavingArgs

An argument passed into IDocumentSavingCallback.notify(com.aspose.words.DocumentSavingArgs).

To learn more, visit the Save a Document documentation article.


getEstimatedProgress()Overall estimated percentage progress.


public double getEstimatedProgress()

Overall estimated percentage progress.


Shows how to manage a document while saving to xamlflow.

 public void progressCallback(int saveFormat, String ext) throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

     // Following formats are supported: XamlFlow, XamlFlowPack.
     XamlFlowSaveOptions saveOptions = new XamlFlowSaveOptions(saveFormat);
         saveOptions.setProgressCallback(new SavingProgressCallback());

     try { + MessageFormat.format("XamlFlowSaveOptions.ProgressCallback.{0}", ext), saveOptions);
     catch (IllegalStateException exception) {

 public static Object[][] progressCallbackDataProvider() throws Exception
     return new Object[][]
                     {SaveFormat.XAML_FLOW,  "xamlflow"},
                     {SaveFormat.XAML_FLOW_PACK,  "xamlflowpack"},

 /// Saving progress callback. Cancel a document saving after the "MaxDuration" seconds.
 public static class SavingProgressCallback implements IDocumentSavingCallback
     /// Ctr.
     public SavingProgressCallback()
         mSavingStartedAt = new Date();

     /// Callback method which called during document saving.
     /// Saving arguments.
     public void notify(DocumentSavingArgs args)
         Date canceledAt = new Date();
         long diff = canceledAt.getTime() - mSavingStartedAt.getTime();
         long ellapsedSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff);

         if (ellapsedSeconds > MAX_DURATION)
             throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format("EstimatedProgress = {0}; CanceledAt = {1}", args.getEstimatedProgress(), canceledAt));

     /// Date and time when document saving is started.
     private Date mSavingStartedAt;

     /// Maximum allowed duration in sec.
     private static final double MAX_DURATION = 0.01d;

Shows how to manage a document while saving to html.

 public void progressCallback(int saveFormat, String ext) throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

     // Following formats are supported: Html, Mhtml, Epub.
     HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(saveFormat);
         saveOptions.setProgressCallback(new SavingProgressCallback());

     try { + MessageFormat.format("HtmlSaveOptions.ProgressCallback.{0}", ext), saveOptions);
     catch (IllegalStateException exception) {


 public static Object[][] progressCallbackDataProvider() throws Exception
     return new Object[][]
                     {SaveFormat.HTML,  "html"},
                     {SaveFormat.MHTML,  "mhtml"},
                     {SaveFormat.EPUB,  "epub"},

 /// Saving progress callback. Cancel a document saving after the "MaxDuration" seconds.
 public static class SavingProgressCallback implements IDocumentSavingCallback
     /// Ctr.
     public SavingProgressCallback()
         mSavingStartedAt = new Date();

     /// Callback method which called during document saving.
     /// Saving arguments.
     public void notify(DocumentSavingArgs args)
         Date canceledAt = new Date();
         long diff = canceledAt.getTime() - mSavingStartedAt.getTime();
         long ellapsedSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff);

         if (ellapsedSeconds > MAX_DURATION)
             throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format("EstimatedProgress = {0}; CanceledAt = {1}", args.getEstimatedProgress(), canceledAt));

     /// Date and time when document saving is started.
     private Date mSavingStartedAt;

     /// Maximum allowed duration in sec.
     private static final double MAX_DURATION = 0.01d;

Shows how to manage a document while saving to docx.

 public void progressCallback(int saveFormat, String ext) throws Exception
     Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Big document.docx");

     // Following formats are supported: Docx, FlatOpc, Docm, Dotm, Dotx.
     OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions(saveFormat);
         saveOptions.setProgressCallback(new SavingProgressCallback());

     try { + MessageFormat.format("OoxmlSaveOptions.ProgressCallback.{0}", ext), saveOptions);
     catch (IllegalStateException exception) {

 public static Object[][] progressCallbackDataProvider() throws Exception
     return new Object[][]
                     {SaveFormat.DOCX,  "docx"},
                     {SaveFormat.DOCM,  "docm"},
                     {SaveFormat.DOTM,  "dotm"},
                     {SaveFormat.DOTX,  "dotx"},
                     {SaveFormat.FLAT_OPC,  "flatopc"},

 /// Saving progress callback. Cancel a document saving after the "MaxDuration" seconds.
 public static class SavingProgressCallback implements IDocumentSavingCallback
     /// Ctr.
     public SavingProgressCallback()
         mSavingStartedAt = new Date();

     /// Callback method which called during document saving.
     /// Saving arguments.
     public void notify(DocumentSavingArgs args)
         Date canceledAt = new Date();
         long diff = canceledAt.getTime() - mSavingStartedAt.getTime();
         long ellapsedSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff);

         if (ellapsedSeconds > MAX_DURATION)
             throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format("EstimatedProgress = {0}; CanceledAt = {1}", args.getEstimatedProgress(), canceledAt));

     /// Date and time when document saving is started.
     private Date mSavingStartedAt;

     /// Maximum allowed duration in sec.
     private static final double MAX_DURATION = 0.01d;

Returns: double - The corresponding double value.