Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.words.NodeCollection
public class HeaderFooterCollection extends NodeCollection
Provides typed access to HeaderFooter nodes of a Section.
To learn more, visit the Working with Headers and Footers documentation article.
There can be maximum of one HeaderFooter
of each HeaderFooterType per Section.
HeaderFooter objects can occur in any order in the collection.
Shows how to delete all footers from a document.
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Header and footer types.docx");
// Iterate through each section and remove footers of every kind.
for (Section section : doc.getSections()) {
// There are three kinds of footer and header types.
// 1 - The "First" header/footer, which only appears on the first page of a section.
HeaderFooter footer = section.getHeadersFooters().getByHeaderFooterType(HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_FIRST);
if (footer != null) {
// 2 - The "Primary" header/footer, which appears on odd pages.
footer = section.getHeadersFooters().getByHeaderFooterType(HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_PRIMARY);
if (footer != null) {
// 3 - The "Even" header/footer, which appears on even pages.
footer = section.getHeadersFooters().getByHeaderFooterType(HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_EVEN);
if (footer != null) {
Assert.assertEquals(0, IterableUtils.countMatches(section.getHeadersFooters(), s -> !s.isHeader()));
doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "HeaderFooter.RemoveFooters.docx");
Shows how to create a header and a footer.
Document doc = new Document();
// Create a header and append a paragraph to it. The text in that paragraph
// will appear at the top of every page of this section, above the main body text.
HeaderFooter header = new HeaderFooter(doc, HeaderFooterType.HEADER_PRIMARY);
Paragraph para = header.appendParagraph("My header.");
// Create a footer and append a paragraph to it. The text in that paragraph
// will appear at the bottom of every page of this section, below the main body text.
HeaderFooter footer = new HeaderFooter(doc, HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_PRIMARY);
para = footer.appendParagraph("My footer.");
Assert.assertEquals(para.getParentStory(), footer);
Assert.assertEquals(para.getParentSection(), footer.getParentSection());
Assert.assertEquals(header.getParentSection(), footer.getParentSection());
doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "HeaderFooter.Create.docx");
Method | Description |
add(Node node) | Adds a node to the end of the collection. |
clear() | Removes all nodes from this collection and from the document. |
contains(Node node) | Determines whether a node is in the collection. |
get(int index) | Retrieves a HeaderFooter at the given index. |
getByHeaderFooterType(int headerFooterType) | |
getContainer() | |
getCount() | Gets the number of nodes in the collection. |
getCurrentNode() | |
getNextMatchingNode(Node curNode) | |
indexOf(Node node) | Returns the zero-based index of the specified node. |
insert(int index, Node node) | Inserts a node into the collection at the specified index. |
iterator() | Provides a simple “foreach” style iteration over the collection of nodes. |
linkToPrevious(boolean isLinkToPrevious) | Links or unlinks all headers and footers to the corresponding headers and footers in the previous section. |
linkToPrevious(int headerFooterType, boolean isLinkToPrevious) | |
remove(Node node) | Removes the node from the collection and from the document. |
removeAt(int index) | Removes the node at the specified index from the collection and from the document. |
toArray() | Copies all HeaderFooter s from the collection to a new array of HeaderFooter s. |
add(Node node)
public void add(Node node)
Adds a node to the end of the collection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | Node | The node to be added to the end of the collection. |
public void clear()
Removes all nodes from this collection and from the document.
Shows how to remove all sections from a document.
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
// This document has one section with a few child nodes containing and displaying all the document's contents.
Assert.assertEquals(doc.getSections().getCount(), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(doc.getSections().get(0).getChildNodes(NodeType.ANY, true).getCount(), 17);
Assert.assertEquals("Hello World!\r\rHello Word!\r\r\rHello World!", doc.getText().trim());
// Clear the collection of sections, which will remove all of the document's children.
Assert.assertEquals(0, doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.ANY, true).getCount());
Assert.assertEquals("", doc.getText().trim());
contains(Node node)
public boolean contains(Node node)
Determines whether a node is in the collection.
This method performs a linear search; therefore, the average execution time is proportional to getCount().
Shows how to work with a NodeCollection.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Add text to the document by inserting Runs using a DocumentBuilder.
builder.write("Run 1. ");
builder.write("Run 2. ");
// Every invocation of the "Write()" method creates a new Run,
// which then appears in the parent Paragraph's RunCollection.
RunCollection runs = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstParagraph().getRuns();
Assert.assertEquals(2, runs.getCount());
// We can also insert a node into the RunCollection manually.
Run newRun = new Run(doc, "Run 3. ");
runs.insert(3, newRun);
Assert.assertEquals("Run 1. Run 2. Run 3.", doc.getText().trim());
// Access individual runs and remove them to remove their text from the document.
Run run = runs.get(1);
Assert.assertEquals("Run 1. Run 3.", doc.getText().trim());
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | Node | The node to locate. |
Returns: boolean - true if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false .
get(int index)
public Node get(int index)
Retrieves a HeaderFooter at the given index.
The index is zero-based.
Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.
If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.
If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.
Shows how to link headers and footers between sections.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.write("Section 1");
builder.write("Section 2");
builder.write("Section 3");
// Move to the first section and create a header and a footer. By default,
// the header and the footer will only appear on pages in the section that contains them.
builder.write("This is the header, which will be displayed in sections 1 and 2.");
builder.write("This is the footer, which will be displayed in sections 1, 2 and 3.");
// We can link a section's headers/footers to the previous section's headers/footers
// to allow the linking section to display the linked section's headers/footers.
// Each section will still have its own header/footer objects. When we link sections,
// the linking section will display the linked section's header/footers while keeping its own.
Assert.assertNotEquals(doc.getSections().get(0).getHeadersFooters().get(0), doc.getSections().get(1).getHeadersFooters().get(0));
Assert.assertNotEquals(doc.getSections().get(0).getHeadersFooters().get(0).getParentSection(), doc.getSections().get(1).getHeadersFooters().get(0).getParentSection());
// Link the headers/footers of the third section to the headers/footers of the second section.
// The second section already links to the first section's header/footers,
// so linking to the second section will create a link chain.
// The first, second, and now the third sections will all display the first section's headers.
// We can un-link a previous section's header/footers by passing "false" when calling the LinkToPrevious method.
// We can also select only a specific type of header/footer to link using this method.
// The third section now will have the same footer as the second and first sections, but not the header.
doc.getSections().get(2).getHeadersFooters().linkToPrevious(HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_PRIMARY, true);
// The first section's header/footers cannot link themselves to anything because there is no previous section.
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getSections().get(0).getHeadersFooters().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals(0, IterableUtils.countMatches(doc.getSections().get(0).getHeadersFooters(), s -> s.isLinkedToPrevious()));
// All the second section's header/footers are linked to the first section's headers/footers.
Assert.assertEquals(6, doc.getSections().get(1).getHeadersFooters().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals(6, IterableUtils.countMatches(doc.getSections().get(1).getHeadersFooters(), s -> s.isLinkedToPrevious()));
// In the third section, only the footer is linked to the first section's footer via the second section.
Assert.assertEquals(6, doc.getSections().get(2).getHeadersFooters().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableUtils.countMatches(doc.getSections().get(2).getHeadersFooters(), s -> s.isLinkedToPrevious()));
doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "HeaderFooter.Link.docx");
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | An index into the collection. |
Returns: Node - The corresponding HeaderFooter value.
getByHeaderFooterType(int headerFooterType)
public HeaderFooter getByHeaderFooterType(int headerFooterType)
Parameter | Type | Description |
headerFooterType | int |
Returns: HeaderFooter
public CompositeNode getContainer()
Returns: CompositeNode
public int getCount()
Gets the number of nodes in the collection.
Shows how to traverse through a composite node’s collection of child nodes.
Document doc = new Document();
// Add two runs and one shape as child nodes to the first paragraph of this document.
Paragraph paragraph = (Paragraph) doc.getChild(NodeType.PARAGRAPH, 0, true);
paragraph.appendChild(new Run(doc, "Hello world! "));
Shape shape = new Shape(doc, ShapeType.RECTANGLE);
// Note that the 'CustomNodeId' is not saved to an output file and exists only during the node lifetime.
paragraph.appendChild(new Run(doc, "Hello again!"));
// Iterate through the paragraph's collection of immediate children,
// and print any runs or shapes that we find within.
NodeCollection children = paragraph.getChildNodes(NodeType.ANY, false);
Assert.assertEquals(3, paragraph.getChildNodes(NodeType.ANY, false).getCount());
for (Node child : (Iterable) children)
switch (child.getNodeType()) {
case NodeType.RUN:
System.out.println("Run contents:");
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\t\"{0}\"", child.getText().trim()));
case NodeType.SHAPE:
Shape childShape = (Shape)child;
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("\t{0}, {1}x{2}", childShape.getShapeType(), childShape.getWidth(), childShape.getHeight()));
Shows how to find out if a tables are nested.
public void calculateDepthOfNestedTables() throws Exception {
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Nested tables.docx");
NodeCollection tables = doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.TABLE, true);
for (int i = 0; i < tables.getCount(); i++) {
Table table = (Table) tables.get(i);
// Find out if any cells in the table have other tables as children.
int count = getChildTableCount(table);
System.out.print(MessageFormat.format("Table #{0} has {1} tables directly within its cells", i, count));
// Find out if the table is nested inside another table, and, if so, at what depth.
int tableDepth = getNestedDepthOfTable(table);
if (tableDepth > 0)
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Table #{0} is nested inside another table at depth of {1}", i, tableDepth));
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format("Table #{0} is a non nested table (is not a child of another table)", i));
// Calculates what level a table is nested inside other tables.
// Returns An integer containing the level the table is nested at.
// 0 = Table is not nested inside any other table
// 1 = Table is nested within one parent table
// 2 = Table is nested within two parent tables etc..
private static int getNestedDepthOfTable(final Table table) {
int depth = 0;
Node parent = table.getAncestor(table.getNodeType());
while (parent != null) {
parent = parent.getAncestor(Table.class);
return depth;
// Determines if a table contains any immediate child table within its cells.
// Does not recursively traverse through those tables to check for further tables.
// Returns true if at least one child cell contains a table.
// Returns false if no cells in the table contains a table.
private static int getChildTableCount(final Table table) {
int childTableCount = 0;
for (Row row : table.getRows()) {
for (Cell cell : row.getCells()) {
TableCollection childTables = cell.getTables();
if (childTables.getCount() > 0) childTableCount++;
return childTableCount;
Returns: int - The number of nodes in the collection.
public Node getCurrentNode()
Returns: Node
getNextMatchingNode(Node curNode)
public Node getNextMatchingNode(Node curNode)
Parameter | Type | Description |
curNode | Node |
Returns: Node
indexOf(Node node)
public int indexOf(Node node)
Returns the zero-based index of the specified node.
This method performs a linear search; therefore, the average execution time is proportional to getCount().
Shows how to get the index of a node in a collection.
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Tables.docx");
Table table = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getTables().get(0);
NodeCollection allTables = doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.TABLE, true);
Assert.assertEquals(0, allTables.indexOf(table));
Row row = table.getRows().get(2);
Assert.assertEquals(2, table.indexOf(row));
Cell cell = row.getLastCell();
Assert.assertEquals(4, row.indexOf(cell));
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | Node | The node to locate. |
Returns: int - The zero-based index of the node within the collection, if found; otherwise, -1.
insert(int index, Node node)
public void insert(int index, Node node)
Inserts a node into the collection at the specified index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | The zero-based index of the node. Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the list. For example -1 means the last node, -2 means the second before last and so on. |
node | Node | The node to insert. |
public Iterator iterator()
Provides a simple “foreach” style iteration over the collection of nodes.
Returns: java.util.Iterator - An Iterator.
linkToPrevious(boolean isLinkToPrevious)
public void linkToPrevious(boolean isLinkToPrevious)
Links or unlinks all headers and footers to the corresponding headers and footers in the previous section.
If any of the headers or footers do not exist, creates them automatically.
Shows how to link headers and footers between sections.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.write("Section 1");
builder.write("Section 2");
builder.write("Section 3");
// Move to the first section and create a header and a footer. By default,
// the header and the footer will only appear on pages in the section that contains them.
builder.write("This is the header, which will be displayed in sections 1 and 2.");
builder.write("This is the footer, which will be displayed in sections 1, 2 and 3.");
// We can link a section's headers/footers to the previous section's headers/footers
// to allow the linking section to display the linked section's headers/footers.
// Each section will still have its own header/footer objects. When we link sections,
// the linking section will display the linked section's header/footers while keeping its own.
Assert.assertNotEquals(doc.getSections().get(0).getHeadersFooters().get(0), doc.getSections().get(1).getHeadersFooters().get(0));
Assert.assertNotEquals(doc.getSections().get(0).getHeadersFooters().get(0).getParentSection(), doc.getSections().get(1).getHeadersFooters().get(0).getParentSection());
// Link the headers/footers of the third section to the headers/footers of the second section.
// The second section already links to the first section's header/footers,
// so linking to the second section will create a link chain.
// The first, second, and now the third sections will all display the first section's headers.
// We can un-link a previous section's header/footers by passing "false" when calling the LinkToPrevious method.
// We can also select only a specific type of header/footer to link using this method.
// The third section now will have the same footer as the second and first sections, but not the header.
doc.getSections().get(2).getHeadersFooters().linkToPrevious(HeaderFooterType.FOOTER_PRIMARY, true);
// The first section's header/footers cannot link themselves to anything because there is no previous section.
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getSections().get(0).getHeadersFooters().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals(0, IterableUtils.countMatches(doc.getSections().get(0).getHeadersFooters(), s -> s.isLinkedToPrevious()));
// All the second section's header/footers are linked to the first section's headers/footers.
Assert.assertEquals(6, doc.getSections().get(1).getHeadersFooters().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals(6, IterableUtils.countMatches(doc.getSections().get(1).getHeadersFooters(), s -> s.isLinkedToPrevious()));
// In the third section, only the footer is linked to the first section's footer via the second section.
Assert.assertEquals(6, doc.getSections().get(2).getHeadersFooters().getCount());
Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableUtils.countMatches(doc.getSections().get(2).getHeadersFooters(), s -> s.isLinkedToPrevious()));
doc.save(getArtifactsDir() + "HeaderFooter.Link.docx");
Parameter | Type | Description |
isLinkToPrevious | boolean | true to link the headers and footers to the previous section; false to unlink them. |
linkToPrevious(int headerFooterType, boolean isLinkToPrevious)
public void linkToPrevious(int headerFooterType, boolean isLinkToPrevious)
Parameter | Type | Description |
headerFooterType | int | |
isLinkToPrevious | boolean |
remove(Node node)
public void remove(Node node)
Removes the node from the collection and from the document.
Shows how to work with a NodeCollection.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Add text to the document by inserting Runs using a DocumentBuilder.
builder.write("Run 1. ");
builder.write("Run 2. ");
// Every invocation of the "Write()" method creates a new Run,
// which then appears in the parent Paragraph's RunCollection.
RunCollection runs = doc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstParagraph().getRuns();
Assert.assertEquals(2, runs.getCount());
// We can also insert a node into the RunCollection manually.
Run newRun = new Run(doc, "Run 3. ");
runs.insert(3, newRun);
Assert.assertEquals("Run 1. Run 2. Run 3.", doc.getText().trim());
// Access individual runs and remove them to remove their text from the document.
Run run = runs.get(1);
Assert.assertEquals("Run 1. Run 3.", doc.getText().trim());
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | Node | The node to remove. |
removeAt(int index)
public void removeAt(int index)
Removes the node at the specified index from the collection and from the document.
Shows how to add and remove sections in a document.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.write("Section 1");
builder.write("Section 2");
Assert.assertEquals("Section 1\fSection 2", doc.getText().trim());
// Delete the first section from the document.
Assert.assertEquals("Section 2", doc.getText().trim());
// Append a copy of what is now the first section to the end of the document.
int lastSectionIdx = doc.getSections().getCount() - 1;
Section newSection = doc.getSections().get(lastSectionIdx).deepClone();
Assert.assertEquals("Section 2\fSection 2", doc.getText().trim());
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | The zero-based index of the node. Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the list. For example -1 means the last node, -2 means the second before last and so on. |
public HeaderFooter[] toArray()
Copies all HeaderFooter s from the collection to a new array of HeaderFooter s.
Shows how to print the node structure of every header and footer in a document.
public void headerFooterToText() throws Exception {
Document doc = new Document(getMyDir() + "DocumentVisitor-compatible features.docx");
HeaderFooterStructurePrinter visitor = new HeaderFooterStructurePrinter();
// When we get a composite node to accept a document visitor, the visitor visits the accepting node,
// and then traverses all the node's children in a depth-first manner.
// The visitor can read and modify each visited node.
// An alternative way of accessing a document's header/footers section-by-section is by accessing the collection.
HeaderFooter[] headerFooters = doc.getFirstSection().getHeadersFooters().toArray();
Assert.assertEquals(3, headerFooters.length);
/// Traverses a node's non-binary tree of child nodes.
/// Creates a map in the form of a string of all encountered HeaderFooter nodes and their children.
public static class HeaderFooterStructurePrinter extends DocumentVisitor {
public HeaderFooterStructurePrinter() {
mBuilder = new StringBuilder();
mVisitorIsInsideHeaderFooter = false;
public String getText() {
return mBuilder.toString();
/// Called when a Run node is encountered in the document.
public int visitRun(final Run run) {
if (mVisitorIsInsideHeaderFooter) indentAndAppendLine("[Run] \"" + run.getText() + "\"");
return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;
/// Called when a HeaderFooter node is encountered in the document.
public int visitHeaderFooterStart(final HeaderFooter headerFooter) {
indentAndAppendLine("[HeaderFooter start] HeaderFooterType: " + headerFooter.getHeaderFooterType());
mVisitorIsInsideHeaderFooter = true;
return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;
/// Called after all the child nodes of a HeaderFooter node have been visited.
public int visitHeaderFooterEnd(final HeaderFooter headerFooter) {
indentAndAppendLine("[HeaderFooter end]");
mVisitorIsInsideHeaderFooter = false;
return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;
/// Append a line to the StringBuilder, and indent it depending on how deep the visitor is into the document tree.
private void indentAndAppendLine(final String text) {
for (int i = 0; i < mDocTraversalDepth; i++) {
mBuilder.append("| ");
mBuilder.append(text + "\r\n");
private boolean mVisitorIsInsideHeaderFooter;
private int mDocTraversalDepth;
private final StringBuilder mBuilder;
Returns: com.aspose.words.HeaderFooter[] - An array of HeaderFooter s.