Inheritance: java.lang.Object
public class ReplacingArgs
Provides data for a custom replace operation.
To learn more, visit the Find and Replace documentation article.
Shows how to replace all occurrences of a regular expression pattern with another string, while tracking all such replacements.
public void replaceWithCallback() throws Exception {
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Our new location in New York City is opening tomorrow. " +
"Hope to see all our NYC-based customers at the opening!");
// We can use a "FindReplaceOptions" object to modify the find-and-replace process.
FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
// Set a callback that tracks any replacements that the "Replace" method will make.
TextFindAndReplacementLogger logger = new TextFindAndReplacementLogger();
doc.getRange().replace(Pattern.compile("New York City|NYC"), "Washington", options);
Assert.assertEquals("Our new location in (Old value:\"New York City\") Washington is opening tomorrow. " +
"Hope to see all our (Old value:\"NYC\") Washington-based customers at the opening!", doc.getText().trim());
Assert.assertEquals("\"New York City\" converted to \"Washington\" 20 characters into a 21 node." +
"\"NYC\" converted to \"Washington\" 42 characters into a 21 node.", logger.getLog().trim());
/// Maintains a log of every text replacement done by a find-and-replace operation
/// and notes the original matched text's value.
private static class TextFindAndReplacementLogger implements IReplacingCallback {
public int replacing(ReplacingArgs args) {
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\"{0}\" converted to \"{1}\" {2} characters into a {3} node.", args.getMatch().group(0), args.getReplacement(), args.getMatchOffset(), args.getMatchNode().getNodeType()));
args.setReplacement(MessageFormat.format("(Old value:\"{0}\") {1}", args.getMatch().group(0), args.getReplacement()));
return ReplaceAction.REPLACE;
public String getLog() {
return mLog.toString();
private final StringBuilder mLog = new StringBuilder();
Shows how to insert an entire document’s contents as a replacement of a match in a find-and-replace operation.
public void insertDocumentAtReplace() throws Exception {
Document mainDoc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document insertion destination.docx");
// We can use a "FindReplaceOptions" object to modify the find-and-replace process.
FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
options.setReplacingCallback(new InsertDocumentAtReplaceHandler());
mainDoc.getRange().replace(Pattern.compile("\[MY_DOCUMENT\]"), "", options); + "InsertDocument.InsertDocumentAtReplace.docx");
private static class InsertDocumentAtReplaceHandler implements IReplacingCallback {
public int replacing(ReplacingArgs args) throws Exception {
Document subDoc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
// Insert a document after the paragraph containing the matched text.
Paragraph para = (Paragraph) args.getMatchNode().getParentNode();
insertDocument(para, subDoc);
// Remove the paragraph with the matched text.
return ReplaceAction.SKIP;
/// Inserts all the nodes of another document after a paragraph or table.
private static void insertDocument(Node insertionDestination, Document docToInsert) {
if (((insertionDestination.getNodeType()) == (NodeType.PARAGRAPH)) || ((insertionDestination.getNodeType()) == (NodeType.TABLE))) {
CompositeNode dstStory = insertionDestination.getParentNode();
NodeImporter importer =
new NodeImporter(docToInsert, insertionDestination.getDocument(), ImportFormatMode.KEEP_SOURCE_FORMATTING);
for (Section srcSection : docToInsert.getSections())
for (Node srcNode : srcSection.getBody()) {
// Skip the node if it is the last empty paragraph in a section.
if (((srcNode.getNodeType()) == (NodeType.PARAGRAPH))) {
Paragraph para = (Paragraph) srcNode;
if (para.isEndOfSection() && !para.hasChildNodes())
Node newNode = importer.importNode(srcNode, true);
dstStory.insertAfter(newNode, insertionDestination);
insertionDestination = newNode;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The destination node must be either a paragraph or table.");
Method | Description |
getGroupIndex() | Identifies, by index, a captured group in the getMatch() that is to be replaced with the getReplacement() / setReplacement(java.lang.String) string. |
getMatch() | The java.util.regex.Matcher resulting from a single regular expression match during a Replace. |
getMatchNode() | Gets the node that contains the beginning of the match. |
getMatchOffset() | Gets the zero-based starting position of the match from the start of the node that contains the beginning of the match. |
getReplacement() | Gets the replacement string. |
setGroupIndex(int value) | Identifies, by index, a captured group in the getMatch() that is to be replaced with the getReplacement() / setReplacement(java.lang.String) string. |
setReplacement(String value) | Sets the replacement string. |
public int getGroupIndex()
Identifies, by index, a captured group in the getMatch() that is to be replaced with the getReplacement() / setReplacement(java.lang.String) string.
Default is zero.
Shows how to apply a different font to new content via FindReplaceOptions.
public void convertNumbersToHexadecimal() throws Exception {
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Numbers that the find-and-replace operation will convert to hexadecimal and highlight:\n" +
"123, 456, 789 and 17379.");
// We can use a "FindReplaceOptions" object to modify the find-and-replace process.
FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
// Set the "HighlightColor" property to a background color that we want to apply to the operation's resulting text.
NumberHexer numberHexer = new NumberHexer();
int replacementCount = doc.getRange().replace(Pattern.compile("[0-9]+"), "", options);
Assert.assertEquals(4, replacementCount);
Assert.assertEquals("Numbers that the find-and-replace operation will convert to hexadecimal and highlight:\r" +
"0x123, 0x456, 0x789 and 0x17,379.", doc.getText().trim());
/// Replaces numeric find-and-replacement matches with their hexadecimal equivalents.
/// Maintains a log of every replacement.
private static class NumberHexer implements IReplacingCallback {
public int replacing(ReplacingArgs args) {
int number = Integer.parseInt(args.getMatch().group(0));
args.setReplacement(MessageFormat.format("0x{0}", number));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("Match #{0}", mCurrentReplacementNumber));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tOriginal value:\t{0}", args.getMatch().group(0)));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tReplacement:\t{0}", args.getReplacement()));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tOffset in parent {0} node:\t{1}", args.getMatchNode().getNodeType(), args.getMatchOffset()));
return ReplaceAction.REPLACE;
public String getLog() {
return mLog.toString();
private int mCurrentReplacementNumber;
private final StringBuilder mLog = new StringBuilder();
Returns: int - The corresponding int value.
public Matcher getMatch()
The java.util.regex.Matcher resulting from a single regular expression match during a Replace.
Matcher.start() gets the zero-based starting position of the match from the start of the find and replace range.
Shows how to apply a different font to new content via FindReplaceOptions.
public void convertNumbersToHexadecimal() throws Exception {
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Numbers that the find-and-replace operation will convert to hexadecimal and highlight:\n" +
"123, 456, 789 and 17379.");
// We can use a "FindReplaceOptions" object to modify the find-and-replace process.
FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
// Set the "HighlightColor" property to a background color that we want to apply to the operation's resulting text.
NumberHexer numberHexer = new NumberHexer();
int replacementCount = doc.getRange().replace(Pattern.compile("[0-9]+"), "", options);
Assert.assertEquals(4, replacementCount);
Assert.assertEquals("Numbers that the find-and-replace operation will convert to hexadecimal and highlight:\r" +
"0x123, 0x456, 0x789 and 0x17,379.", doc.getText().trim());
/// Replaces numeric find-and-replacement matches with their hexadecimal equivalents.
/// Maintains a log of every replacement.
private static class NumberHexer implements IReplacingCallback {
public int replacing(ReplacingArgs args) {
int number = Integer.parseInt(args.getMatch().group(0));
args.setReplacement(MessageFormat.format("0x{0}", number));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("Match #{0}", mCurrentReplacementNumber));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tOriginal value:\t{0}", args.getMatch().group(0)));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tReplacement:\t{0}", args.getReplacement()));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tOffset in parent {0} node:\t{1}", args.getMatchNode().getNodeType(), args.getMatchOffset()));
return ReplaceAction.REPLACE;
public String getLog() {
return mLog.toString();
private int mCurrentReplacementNumber;
private final StringBuilder mLog = new StringBuilder();
Returns: java.util.regex.Matcher - The corresponding java.util.regex.Matcher value.
public Node getMatchNode()
Gets the node that contains the beginning of the match.
Shows how to insert an entire document’s contents as a replacement of a match in a find-and-replace operation.
public void insertDocumentAtReplace() throws Exception {
Document mainDoc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document insertion destination.docx");
// We can use a "FindReplaceOptions" object to modify the find-and-replace process.
FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
options.setReplacingCallback(new InsertDocumentAtReplaceHandler());
mainDoc.getRange().replace(Pattern.compile("\[MY_DOCUMENT\]"), "", options); + "InsertDocument.InsertDocumentAtReplace.docx");
private static class InsertDocumentAtReplaceHandler implements IReplacingCallback {
public int replacing(ReplacingArgs args) throws Exception {
Document subDoc = new Document(getMyDir() + "Document.docx");
// Insert a document after the paragraph containing the matched text.
Paragraph para = (Paragraph) args.getMatchNode().getParentNode();
insertDocument(para, subDoc);
// Remove the paragraph with the matched text.
return ReplaceAction.SKIP;
/// Inserts all the nodes of another document after a paragraph or table.
private static void insertDocument(Node insertionDestination, Document docToInsert) {
if (((insertionDestination.getNodeType()) == (NodeType.PARAGRAPH)) || ((insertionDestination.getNodeType()) == (NodeType.TABLE))) {
CompositeNode dstStory = insertionDestination.getParentNode();
NodeImporter importer =
new NodeImporter(docToInsert, insertionDestination.getDocument(), ImportFormatMode.KEEP_SOURCE_FORMATTING);
for (Section srcSection : docToInsert.getSections())
for (Node srcNode : srcSection.getBody()) {
// Skip the node if it is the last empty paragraph in a section.
if (((srcNode.getNodeType()) == (NodeType.PARAGRAPH))) {
Paragraph para = (Paragraph) srcNode;
if (para.isEndOfSection() && !para.hasChildNodes())
Node newNode = importer.importNode(srcNode, true);
dstStory.insertAfter(newNode, insertionDestination);
insertionDestination = newNode;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The destination node must be either a paragraph or table.");
Returns: Node - The node that contains the beginning of the match.
public int getMatchOffset()
Gets the zero-based starting position of the match from the start of the node that contains the beginning of the match.
Shows how to apply a different font to new content via FindReplaceOptions.
public void convertNumbersToHexadecimal() throws Exception {
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Numbers that the find-and-replace operation will convert to hexadecimal and highlight:\n" +
"123, 456, 789 and 17379.");
// We can use a "FindReplaceOptions" object to modify the find-and-replace process.
FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
// Set the "HighlightColor" property to a background color that we want to apply to the operation's resulting text.
NumberHexer numberHexer = new NumberHexer();
int replacementCount = doc.getRange().replace(Pattern.compile("[0-9]+"), "", options);
Assert.assertEquals(4, replacementCount);
Assert.assertEquals("Numbers that the find-and-replace operation will convert to hexadecimal and highlight:\r" +
"0x123, 0x456, 0x789 and 0x17,379.", doc.getText().trim());
/// Replaces numeric find-and-replacement matches with their hexadecimal equivalents.
/// Maintains a log of every replacement.
private static class NumberHexer implements IReplacingCallback {
public int replacing(ReplacingArgs args) {
int number = Integer.parseInt(args.getMatch().group(0));
args.setReplacement(MessageFormat.format("0x{0}", number));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("Match #{0}", mCurrentReplacementNumber));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tOriginal value:\t{0}", args.getMatch().group(0)));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tReplacement:\t{0}", args.getReplacement()));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tOffset in parent {0} node:\t{1}", args.getMatchNode().getNodeType(), args.getMatchOffset()));
return ReplaceAction.REPLACE;
public String getLog() {
return mLog.toString();
private int mCurrentReplacementNumber;
private final StringBuilder mLog = new StringBuilder();
Returns: int - The zero-based starting position of the match from the start of the node that contains the beginning of the match.
public String getReplacement()
Gets the replacement string.
Shows how to replace all occurrences of a regular expression pattern with another string, while tracking all such replacements.
public void replaceWithCallback() throws Exception {
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Our new location in New York City is opening tomorrow. " +
"Hope to see all our NYC-based customers at the opening!");
// We can use a "FindReplaceOptions" object to modify the find-and-replace process.
FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
// Set a callback that tracks any replacements that the "Replace" method will make.
TextFindAndReplacementLogger logger = new TextFindAndReplacementLogger();
doc.getRange().replace(Pattern.compile("New York City|NYC"), "Washington", options);
Assert.assertEquals("Our new location in (Old value:\"New York City\") Washington is opening tomorrow. " +
"Hope to see all our (Old value:\"NYC\") Washington-based customers at the opening!", doc.getText().trim());
Assert.assertEquals("\"New York City\" converted to \"Washington\" 20 characters into a 21 node." +
"\"NYC\" converted to \"Washington\" 42 characters into a 21 node.", logger.getLog().trim());
/// Maintains a log of every text replacement done by a find-and-replace operation
/// and notes the original matched text's value.
private static class TextFindAndReplacementLogger implements IReplacingCallback {
public int replacing(ReplacingArgs args) {
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\"{0}\" converted to \"{1}\" {2} characters into a {3} node.", args.getMatch().group(0), args.getReplacement(), args.getMatchOffset(), args.getMatchNode().getNodeType()));
args.setReplacement(MessageFormat.format("(Old value:\"{0}\") {1}", args.getMatch().group(0), args.getReplacement()));
return ReplaceAction.REPLACE;
public String getLog() {
return mLog.toString();
private final StringBuilder mLog = new StringBuilder();
Returns: java.lang.String - The replacement string.
setGroupIndex(int value)
public void setGroupIndex(int value)
Identifies, by index, a captured group in the getMatch() that is to be replaced with the getReplacement() / setReplacement(java.lang.String) string.
Default is zero.
Shows how to apply a different font to new content via FindReplaceOptions.
public void convertNumbersToHexadecimal() throws Exception {
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Numbers that the find-and-replace operation will convert to hexadecimal and highlight:\n" +
"123, 456, 789 and 17379.");
// We can use a "FindReplaceOptions" object to modify the find-and-replace process.
FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
// Set the "HighlightColor" property to a background color that we want to apply to the operation's resulting text.
NumberHexer numberHexer = new NumberHexer();
int replacementCount = doc.getRange().replace(Pattern.compile("[0-9]+"), "", options);
Assert.assertEquals(4, replacementCount);
Assert.assertEquals("Numbers that the find-and-replace operation will convert to hexadecimal and highlight:\r" +
"0x123, 0x456, 0x789 and 0x17,379.", doc.getText().trim());
/// Replaces numeric find-and-replacement matches with their hexadecimal equivalents.
/// Maintains a log of every replacement.
private static class NumberHexer implements IReplacingCallback {
public int replacing(ReplacingArgs args) {
int number = Integer.parseInt(args.getMatch().group(0));
args.setReplacement(MessageFormat.format("0x{0}", number));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("Match #{0}", mCurrentReplacementNumber));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tOriginal value:\t{0}", args.getMatch().group(0)));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tReplacement:\t{0}", args.getReplacement()));
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\tOffset in parent {0} node:\t{1}", args.getMatchNode().getNodeType(), args.getMatchOffset()));
return ReplaceAction.REPLACE;
public String getLog() {
return mLog.toString();
private int mCurrentReplacementNumber;
private final StringBuilder mLog = new StringBuilder();
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | The corresponding int value. |
setReplacement(String value)
public void setReplacement(String value)
Sets the replacement string.
Shows how to replace all occurrences of a regular expression pattern with another string, while tracking all such replacements.
public void replaceWithCallback() throws Exception {
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Our new location in New York City is opening tomorrow. " +
"Hope to see all our NYC-based customers at the opening!");
// We can use a "FindReplaceOptions" object to modify the find-and-replace process.
FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
// Set a callback that tracks any replacements that the "Replace" method will make.
TextFindAndReplacementLogger logger = new TextFindAndReplacementLogger();
doc.getRange().replace(Pattern.compile("New York City|NYC"), "Washington", options);
Assert.assertEquals("Our new location in (Old value:\"New York City\") Washington is opening tomorrow. " +
"Hope to see all our (Old value:\"NYC\") Washington-based customers at the opening!", doc.getText().trim());
Assert.assertEquals("\"New York City\" converted to \"Washington\" 20 characters into a 21 node." +
"\"NYC\" converted to \"Washington\" 42 characters into a 21 node.", logger.getLog().trim());
/// Maintains a log of every text replacement done by a find-and-replace operation
/// and notes the original matched text's value.
private static class TextFindAndReplacementLogger implements IReplacingCallback {
public int replacing(ReplacingArgs args) {
mLog.append(MessageFormat.format("\"{0}\" converted to \"{1}\" {2} characters into a {3} node.", args.getMatch().group(0), args.getReplacement(), args.getMatchOffset(), args.getMatchNode().getNodeType()));
args.setReplacement(MessageFormat.format("(Old value:\"{0}\") {1}", args.getMatch().group(0), args.getReplacement()));
return ReplaceAction.REPLACE;
public String getLog() {
return mLog.toString();
private final StringBuilder mLog = new StringBuilder();
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | The replacement string. |