Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.words.FontSubstitutionRule
public class TableSubstitutionRule extends FontSubstitutionRule
Table font substitution rule.
To learn more, visit the Working with Fonts documentation article.
This rule defines the list of substitute font names to be used if the original font is not available. Substitutes will be checked for the font name and the FontInfo.getAltName() / FontInfo.setAltName(java.lang.String) (if any).
Shows how to access font substitution tables for Windows and Linux.
Document doc = new Document();
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
// Create a new table substitution rule and load the default Microsoft Windows font substitution table.
TableSubstitutionRule tableSubstitutionRule = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution();
// In Windows, the default substitute for the "Times New Roman CE" font is "Times New Roman".
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Times New Roman"},
IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman CE")).toArray());
// We can save the table in the form of an XML document. + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Windows.xml");
// Linux has its own substitution table.
// There are multiple substitute fonts for "Times New Roman CE".
// If the first substitute, "FreeSerif" is also unavailable,
// this rule will cycle through the others in the array until it finds an available one.
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"FreeSerif", "Liberation Serif", "DejaVu Serif"},
IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman CE")).toArray());
// Save the Linux substitution table in the form of an XML document using a stream.
try (FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(getArtifactsDir() + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Linux.xml")) {;
Method | Description |
addSubstitutes(String originalFontName, String[] substituteFontNames) | Adds substitute font names for given original font name. |
getEnabled() | Specifies whether the rule is enabled or not. |
getSubstitutes(String originalFontName) | Returns array containing substitute font names for the specified original font name. |
load(InputStream stream) | |
load(String fileName) | Loads table substitution settings from XML file. |
loadAndroidSettings() | Loads predefined table substitution settings for Android platform. |
loadLinuxSettings() | Loads predefined table substitution settings for Linux platform. |
loadWindowsSettings() | Loads predefined table substitution settings for Windows platform. |
save(OutputStream outputStream) | |
save(String fileName) | Saves the current table substitution settings to file. |
setEnabled(boolean value) | Specifies whether the rule is enabled or not. |
setSubstitutes(String originalFontName, String[] substituteFontNames) | Override substitute font names for given original font name. |
addSubstitutes(String originalFontName, String[] substituteFontNames)
public void addSubstitutes(String originalFontName, String[] substituteFontNames)
Adds substitute font names for given original font name.
Shows how to access a document’s system font source and set font substitutes.
Document doc = new Document();
doc.setFontSettings(new FontSettings());
// By default, a blank document always contains a system font source.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
SystemFontSource systemFontSource = (SystemFontSource) doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources()[0];
Assert.assertEquals(FontSourceType.SYSTEM_FONTS, systemFontSource.getType());
Assert.assertEquals(0, systemFontSource.getPriority());
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
final String FONTS_PATH = "C:\\WINDOWS\\Fonts";
Assert.assertEquals(FONTS_PATH.toLowerCase(), SystemFontSource.getSystemFontFolders()[0].toLowerCase());
for (String systemFontFolder : SystemFontSource.getSystemFontFolders()) {
// Set a font that exists in the Windows Fonts directory as a substitute for one that does not.
doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().addSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular", "Calibri");
Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableUtils.size(doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().getSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular")));
// Alternatively, we could add a folder font source in which the corresponding folder contains the font.
FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), false);
doc.getFontSettings().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{systemFontSource, folderFontSource});
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
// Resetting the font sources still leaves us with the system font source as well as our substitutes.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
Assert.assertEquals(FontSourceType.SYSTEM_FONTS, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources()[0].getType());
Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableUtils.size(doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().getSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular")));
Shows how to work with custom font substitution tables.
Document doc = new Document();
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
// Create a new table substitution rule and load the default Windows font substitution table.
TableSubstitutionRule tableSubstitutionRule = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution();
// If we select fonts exclusively from our folder, we will need a custom substitution table.
// We will no longer have access to the Microsoft Windows fonts,
// such as "Arial" or "Times New Roman" since they do not exist in our new font folder.
FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), false);
fontSettings.setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{folderFontSource});
// Below are two ways of loading a substitution table from a file in the local file system.
// 1 - From a stream:
try (FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(getMyDir() + "Font substitution rules.xml")) {
// 2 - Directly from a file:
tableSubstitutionRule.load(getMyDir() + "Font substitution rules.xml");
// Since we no longer have access to "Arial", our font table will first try substitute it with "Nonexistent Font".
// We do not have this font so that it will move onto the next substitute, "Kreon", found in the "MyFonts" folder.
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Missing Font", "Kreon"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Arial")).toArray());
// We can expand this table programmatically. We will add an entry that substitutes "Times New Roman" with "Arvo"
Assert.assertNull(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman"));
tableSubstitutionRule.addSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "Arvo");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Arvo"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// We can add a secondary fallback substitute for an existing font entry with AddSubstitutes().
// In case "Arvo" is unavailable, our table will look for "M+ 2m" as a second substitute option.
tableSubstitutionRule.addSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "M+ 2m");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Arvo", "M+ 2m"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// SetSubstitutes() can set a new list of substitute fonts for a font.
tableSubstitutionRule.setSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "Squarish Sans CT", "M+ 2m");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Squarish Sans CT", "M+ 2m"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// Writing text in fonts that we do not have access to will invoke our substitution rules.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Text written in Arial, to be substituted by Kreon.");
builder.getFont().setName("Times New Roman");
builder.writeln("Text written in Times New Roman, to be substituted by Squarish Sans CT."); + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Custom.pdf");
Parameter | Type | Description |
originalFontName | java.lang.String | Original font name. |
substituteFontNames | java.lang.String[] | List of alternative font names. |
public boolean getEnabled()
Specifies whether the rule is enabled or not.
Shows operating system-dependent font config substitution.
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
FontConfigSubstitutionRule fontConfigSubstitution = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getFontConfigSubstitution();
// The FontConfigSubstitutionRule object works differently on Windows/non-Windows platforms.
// On Windows, it is unavailable.
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
// On Linux/Mac, we will have access to it, and will be able to perform operations.
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX) {
Shows how to access a document’s system font source and set font substitutes.
Document doc = new Document();
doc.setFontSettings(new FontSettings());
// By default, a blank document always contains a system font source.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
SystemFontSource systemFontSource = (SystemFontSource) doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources()[0];
Assert.assertEquals(FontSourceType.SYSTEM_FONTS, systemFontSource.getType());
Assert.assertEquals(0, systemFontSource.getPriority());
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
final String FONTS_PATH = "C:\\WINDOWS\\Fonts";
Assert.assertEquals(FONTS_PATH.toLowerCase(), SystemFontSource.getSystemFontFolders()[0].toLowerCase());
for (String systemFontFolder : SystemFontSource.getSystemFontFolders()) {
// Set a font that exists in the Windows Fonts directory as a substitute for one that does not.
doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().addSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular", "Calibri");
Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableUtils.size(doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().getSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular")));
// Alternatively, we could add a folder font source in which the corresponding folder contains the font.
FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), false);
doc.getFontSettings().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{systemFontSource, folderFontSource});
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
// Resetting the font sources still leaves us with the system font source as well as our substitutes.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
Assert.assertEquals(FontSourceType.SYSTEM_FONTS, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources()[0].getType());
Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableUtils.size(doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().getSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular")));
Returns: boolean - The corresponding boolean value.
getSubstitutes(String originalFontName)
public Iterable getSubstitutes(String originalFontName)
Returns array containing substitute font names for the specified original font name.
Shows how to access a document’s system font source and set font substitutes.
Document doc = new Document();
doc.setFontSettings(new FontSettings());
// By default, a blank document always contains a system font source.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
SystemFontSource systemFontSource = (SystemFontSource) doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources()[0];
Assert.assertEquals(FontSourceType.SYSTEM_FONTS, systemFontSource.getType());
Assert.assertEquals(0, systemFontSource.getPriority());
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
final String FONTS_PATH = "C:\\WINDOWS\\Fonts";
Assert.assertEquals(FONTS_PATH.toLowerCase(), SystemFontSource.getSystemFontFolders()[0].toLowerCase());
for (String systemFontFolder : SystemFontSource.getSystemFontFolders()) {
// Set a font that exists in the Windows Fonts directory as a substitute for one that does not.
doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().addSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular", "Calibri");
Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableUtils.size(doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().getSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular")));
// Alternatively, we could add a folder font source in which the corresponding folder contains the font.
FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), false);
doc.getFontSettings().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{systemFontSource, folderFontSource});
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
// Resetting the font sources still leaves us with the system font source as well as our substitutes.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
Assert.assertEquals(FontSourceType.SYSTEM_FONTS, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources()[0].getType());
Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableUtils.size(doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().getSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular")));
Shows how to work with custom font substitution tables.
Document doc = new Document();
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
// Create a new table substitution rule and load the default Windows font substitution table.
TableSubstitutionRule tableSubstitutionRule = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution();
// If we select fonts exclusively from our folder, we will need a custom substitution table.
// We will no longer have access to the Microsoft Windows fonts,
// such as "Arial" or "Times New Roman" since they do not exist in our new font folder.
FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), false);
fontSettings.setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{folderFontSource});
// Below are two ways of loading a substitution table from a file in the local file system.
// 1 - From a stream:
try (FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(getMyDir() + "Font substitution rules.xml")) {
// 2 - Directly from a file:
tableSubstitutionRule.load(getMyDir() + "Font substitution rules.xml");
// Since we no longer have access to "Arial", our font table will first try substitute it with "Nonexistent Font".
// We do not have this font so that it will move onto the next substitute, "Kreon", found in the "MyFonts" folder.
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Missing Font", "Kreon"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Arial")).toArray());
// We can expand this table programmatically. We will add an entry that substitutes "Times New Roman" with "Arvo"
Assert.assertNull(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman"));
tableSubstitutionRule.addSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "Arvo");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Arvo"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// We can add a secondary fallback substitute for an existing font entry with AddSubstitutes().
// In case "Arvo" is unavailable, our table will look for "M+ 2m" as a second substitute option.
tableSubstitutionRule.addSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "M+ 2m");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Arvo", "M+ 2m"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// SetSubstitutes() can set a new list of substitute fonts for a font.
tableSubstitutionRule.setSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "Squarish Sans CT", "M+ 2m");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Squarish Sans CT", "M+ 2m"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// Writing text in fonts that we do not have access to will invoke our substitution rules.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Text written in Arial, to be substituted by Kreon.");
builder.getFont().setName("Times New Roman");
builder.writeln("Text written in Times New Roman, to be substituted by Squarish Sans CT."); + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Custom.pdf");
Parameter | Type | Description |
originalFontName | java.lang.String | Original font name. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable - List of alternative font names.
load(InputStream stream)
public void load(InputStream stream)
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | |
load(String fileName)
public void load(String fileName)
Loads table substitution settings from XML file.
Shows how to work with custom font substitution tables.
Document doc = new Document();
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
// Create a new table substitution rule and load the default Windows font substitution table.
TableSubstitutionRule tableSubstitutionRule = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution();
// If we select fonts exclusively from our folder, we will need a custom substitution table.
// We will no longer have access to the Microsoft Windows fonts,
// such as "Arial" or "Times New Roman" since they do not exist in our new font folder.
FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), false);
fontSettings.setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{folderFontSource});
// Below are two ways of loading a substitution table from a file in the local file system.
// 1 - From a stream:
try (FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(getMyDir() + "Font substitution rules.xml")) {
// 2 - Directly from a file:
tableSubstitutionRule.load(getMyDir() + "Font substitution rules.xml");
// Since we no longer have access to "Arial", our font table will first try substitute it with "Nonexistent Font".
// We do not have this font so that it will move onto the next substitute, "Kreon", found in the "MyFonts" folder.
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Missing Font", "Kreon"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Arial")).toArray());
// We can expand this table programmatically. We will add an entry that substitutes "Times New Roman" with "Arvo"
Assert.assertNull(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman"));
tableSubstitutionRule.addSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "Arvo");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Arvo"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// We can add a secondary fallback substitute for an existing font entry with AddSubstitutes().
// In case "Arvo" is unavailable, our table will look for "M+ 2m" as a second substitute option.
tableSubstitutionRule.addSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "M+ 2m");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Arvo", "M+ 2m"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// SetSubstitutes() can set a new list of substitute fonts for a font.
tableSubstitutionRule.setSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "Squarish Sans CT", "M+ 2m");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Squarish Sans CT", "M+ 2m"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// Writing text in fonts that we do not have access to will invoke our substitution rules.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Text written in Arial, to be substituted by Kreon.");
builder.getFont().setName("Times New Roman");
builder.writeln("Text written in Times New Roman, to be substituted by Squarish Sans CT."); + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Custom.pdf");
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | java.lang.String | Input file name. |
public void loadAndroidSettings()
Loads predefined table substitution settings for Android platform.
public void loadLinuxSettings()
Loads predefined table substitution settings for Linux platform.
Shows how to access font substitution tables for Windows and Linux.
Document doc = new Document();
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
// Create a new table substitution rule and load the default Microsoft Windows font substitution table.
TableSubstitutionRule tableSubstitutionRule = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution();
// In Windows, the default substitute for the "Times New Roman CE" font is "Times New Roman".
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Times New Roman"},
IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman CE")).toArray());
// We can save the table in the form of an XML document. + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Windows.xml");
// Linux has its own substitution table.
// There are multiple substitute fonts for "Times New Roman CE".
// If the first substitute, "FreeSerif" is also unavailable,
// this rule will cycle through the others in the array until it finds an available one.
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"FreeSerif", "Liberation Serif", "DejaVu Serif"},
IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman CE")).toArray());
// Save the Linux substitution table in the form of an XML document using a stream.
try (FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(getArtifactsDir() + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Linux.xml")) {;
public void loadWindowsSettings()
Loads predefined table substitution settings for Windows platform.
Shows how to access font substitution tables for Windows and Linux.
Document doc = new Document();
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
// Create a new table substitution rule and load the default Microsoft Windows font substitution table.
TableSubstitutionRule tableSubstitutionRule = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution();
// In Windows, the default substitute for the "Times New Roman CE" font is "Times New Roman".
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Times New Roman"},
IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman CE")).toArray());
// We can save the table in the form of an XML document. + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Windows.xml");
// Linux has its own substitution table.
// There are multiple substitute fonts for "Times New Roman CE".
// If the first substitute, "FreeSerif" is also unavailable,
// this rule will cycle through the others in the array until it finds an available one.
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"FreeSerif", "Liberation Serif", "DejaVu Serif"},
IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman CE")).toArray());
// Save the Linux substitution table in the form of an XML document using a stream.
try (FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(getArtifactsDir() + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Linux.xml")) {;
save(OutputStream outputStream)
public void save(OutputStream outputStream)
Parameter | Type | Description |
outputStream | |
save(String fileName)
public void save(String fileName)
Saves the current table substitution settings to file.
Shows how to access font substitution tables for Windows and Linux.
Document doc = new Document();
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
// Create a new table substitution rule and load the default Microsoft Windows font substitution table.
TableSubstitutionRule tableSubstitutionRule = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution();
// In Windows, the default substitute for the "Times New Roman CE" font is "Times New Roman".
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Times New Roman"},
IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman CE")).toArray());
// We can save the table in the form of an XML document. + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Windows.xml");
// Linux has its own substitution table.
// There are multiple substitute fonts for "Times New Roman CE".
// If the first substitute, "FreeSerif" is also unavailable,
// this rule will cycle through the others in the array until it finds an available one.
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"FreeSerif", "Liberation Serif", "DejaVu Serif"},
IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman CE")).toArray());
// Save the Linux substitution table in the form of an XML document using a stream.
try (FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(getArtifactsDir() + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Linux.xml")) {;
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | java.lang.String | Output file name. |
setEnabled(boolean value)
public void setEnabled(boolean value)
Specifies whether the rule is enabled or not.
Shows operating system-dependent font config substitution.
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
FontConfigSubstitutionRule fontConfigSubstitution = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getFontConfigSubstitution();
// The FontConfigSubstitutionRule object works differently on Windows/non-Windows platforms.
// On Windows, it is unavailable.
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
// On Linux/Mac, we will have access to it, and will be able to perform operations.
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX) {
Shows how to access a document’s system font source and set font substitutes.
Document doc = new Document();
doc.setFontSettings(new FontSettings());
// By default, a blank document always contains a system font source.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
SystemFontSource systemFontSource = (SystemFontSource) doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources()[0];
Assert.assertEquals(FontSourceType.SYSTEM_FONTS, systemFontSource.getType());
Assert.assertEquals(0, systemFontSource.getPriority());
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
final String FONTS_PATH = "C:\\WINDOWS\\Fonts";
Assert.assertEquals(FONTS_PATH.toLowerCase(), SystemFontSource.getSystemFontFolders()[0].toLowerCase());
for (String systemFontFolder : SystemFontSource.getSystemFontFolders()) {
// Set a font that exists in the Windows Fonts directory as a substitute for one that does not.
doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().addSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular", "Calibri");
Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableUtils.size(doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().getSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular")));
// Alternatively, we could add a folder font source in which the corresponding folder contains the font.
FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), false);
doc.getFontSettings().setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{systemFontSource, folderFontSource});
Assert.assertEquals(2, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
// Resetting the font sources still leaves us with the system font source as well as our substitutes.
Assert.assertEquals(1, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources().length);
Assert.assertEquals(FontSourceType.SYSTEM_FONTS, doc.getFontSettings().getFontsSources()[0].getType());
Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableUtils.size(doc.getFontSettings().getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution().getSubstitutes("Kreon-Regular")));
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The corresponding boolean value. |
setSubstitutes(String originalFontName, String[] substituteFontNames)
public void setSubstitutes(String originalFontName, String[] substituteFontNames)
Override substitute font names for given original font name.
Shows how set font substitution rules.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Hello world!");
builder.writeln("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");
FontSourceBase[] fontSources = FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().getFontsSources();
// The default font sources contain the first font that the document uses.
Assert.assertEquals(1, fontSources.length);
Assert.assertTrue(IterableUtils.matchesAny(fontSources[0].getAvailableFonts(), f -> f.getFullFontName().contains("Arial")));
// The second font, "Amethysta", is unavailable.
Assert.assertFalse(IterableUtils.matchesAny(fontSources[0].getAvailableFonts(), f -> f.getFullFontName().contains("Amethysta")));
// We can configure a font substitution table which determines
// which fonts Aspose.Words will use as substitutes for unavailable fonts.
// Set two substitution fonts for "Amethysta": "Arvo", and "Courier New".
// If the first substitute is unavailable, Aspose.Words attempts to use the second substitute, and so on.
doc.setFontSettings(new FontSettings());
"Amethysta", "Arvo", "Courier New");
// "Amethysta" is unavailable, and the substitution rule states that the first font to use as a substitute is "Arvo".
Assert.assertFalse(IterableUtils.matchesAny(fontSources[0].getAvailableFonts(), f -> f.getFullFontName().contains("Arvo")));
// "Arvo" is also unavailable, but "Courier New" is.
Assert.assertTrue(IterableUtils.matchesAny(fontSources[0].getAvailableFonts(), f -> f.getFullFontName().contains("Courier New")));
// The output document will display the text that uses the "Amethysta" font formatted with "Courier New". + "FontSettings.TableSubstitution.pdf");
Shows how to work with custom font substitution tables.
Document doc = new Document();
FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
// Create a new table substitution rule and load the default Windows font substitution table.
TableSubstitutionRule tableSubstitutionRule = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution();
// If we select fonts exclusively from our folder, we will need a custom substitution table.
// We will no longer have access to the Microsoft Windows fonts,
// such as "Arial" or "Times New Roman" since they do not exist in our new font folder.
FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(getFontsDir(), false);
fontSettings.setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{folderFontSource});
// Below are two ways of loading a substitution table from a file in the local file system.
// 1 - From a stream:
try (FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(getMyDir() + "Font substitution rules.xml")) {
// 2 - Directly from a file:
tableSubstitutionRule.load(getMyDir() + "Font substitution rules.xml");
// Since we no longer have access to "Arial", our font table will first try substitute it with "Nonexistent Font".
// We do not have this font so that it will move onto the next substitute, "Kreon", found in the "MyFonts" folder.
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Missing Font", "Kreon"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Arial")).toArray());
// We can expand this table programmatically. We will add an entry that substitutes "Times New Roman" with "Arvo"
Assert.assertNull(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman"));
tableSubstitutionRule.addSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "Arvo");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Arvo"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// We can add a secondary fallback substitute for an existing font entry with AddSubstitutes().
// In case "Arvo" is unavailable, our table will look for "M+ 2m" as a second substitute option.
tableSubstitutionRule.addSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "M+ 2m");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Arvo", "M+ 2m"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// SetSubstitutes() can set a new list of substitute fonts for a font.
tableSubstitutionRule.setSubstitutes("Times New Roman", "Squarish Sans CT", "M+ 2m");
Assert.assertEquals(new String[]{"Squarish Sans CT", "M+ 2m"}, IterableUtils.toList(tableSubstitutionRule.getSubstitutes("Times New Roman")).toArray());
// Writing text in fonts that we do not have access to will invoke our substitution rules.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.writeln("Text written in Arial, to be substituted by Kreon.");
builder.getFont().setName("Times New Roman");
builder.writeln("Text written in Times New Roman, to be substituted by Squarish Sans CT."); + "FontSettings.TableSubstitutionRule.Custom.pdf");
Parameter | Type | Description |
originalFontName | java.lang.String | Original font name. |
substituteFontNames | java.lang.String[] | List of alternative font names. |