
Bibliography class

Represents the list of bibliography sources available in the document.

public sealed class Bibliography


BibliographyStyle { get; }Gets a string that represents the name of the active style to use for a bibliography.
Sources { get; }Gets a collection that represents all the sources contained in a bibliography.


Shows how to get bibliography sources available in the document.

Document document = new Document(MyDir + "Bibliography sources.docx");

Bibliography bibliography = document.Bibliography;
Assert.AreEqual(12, bibliography.Sources.Count);

Source source = bibliography.Sources.FirstOrDefault();
Assert.AreEqual("Book 0 (No LCID)", source.Title);

ContributorCollection contributors = source.Contributors;
PersonCollection authors = (PersonCollection)contributors.Author;
Assert.AreEqual(2, authors.Count());

Person person = authors.FirstOrDefault();
Assert.AreEqual("Roxanne", person.First);
Assert.AreEqual("Brielle", person.Middle);
Assert.AreEqual("Tejeda", person.Last);

See Also