
Sign(Stream, Stream, CertificateHolderSignOptions)

Signs source document using given CertificateHolder and SignOptions with digital signature and writes signed document to destination stream.

Supported formats are: Doc, Dot, Docx, Dotx, Docm, Odt, Ott.

Output will be written to the start of stream and stream size will be updated with content length.

public static void Sign(Stream srcStream, Stream dstStream, CertificateHolder certHolder, 
    SignOptions signOptions)
srcStreamStreamThe stream which contains the document to sign.
dstStreamStreamThe stream that signed document will be written to.
certHolderCertificateHolderCertificateHolder object with certificate that used to sign file. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.
signOptionsSignOptionsSignOptions object with various signing options.


Shows how to digitally sign documents.

// Create an X.509 certificate from a PKCS#12 store, which should contain a private key.
CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw");

// Create a comment and date which will be applied with our new digital signature.
SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions
    Comments = "My comment", 
    SignTime = DateTime.Now

// Take an unsigned document from the local file system via a file stream,
// then create a signed copy of it determined by the filename of the output file stream.
using (Stream streamIn = new FileStream(MyDir + "Document.docx", FileMode.Open))
    using (Stream streamOut = new FileStream(ArtifactsDir + "DigitalSignatureUtil.SignDocument.docx", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
        DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(streamIn, streamOut, certificateHolder, signOptions);

See Also

Sign(string, string, CertificateHolderSignOptions)

Signs source document using given CertificateHolder and SignOptions with digital signature and writes signed document to destination file.

Supported formats are: Doc, Dot, Docx, Dotx, Docm, Odt, Ott.

public static void Sign(string srcFileName, string dstFileName, CertificateHolder certHolder, 
    SignOptions signOptions)
srcFileNameStringThe file name of the document to sign.
dstFileNameStringThe file name of the signed document output.
certHolderCertificateHolderCertificateHolder object with certificate that used to sign file. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.
signOptionsSignOptionsSignOptions object with various signing options.


Shows how to add a signature line to a document, and then sign it using a digital certificate.

public static void Sign()
    string signeeName = "Ron Williams";
    string srcDocumentPath = MyDir + "Document.docx";
    string dstDocumentPath = ArtifactsDir + "SignDocumentCustom.Sign.docx";
    string certificatePath = MyDir + "morzal.pfx";
    string certificatePassword = "aw";


    Signee signeeInfo = mSignees.Find(c => c.Name == signeeName);

    if (signeeInfo != null)
        SignDocument(srcDocumentPath, dstDocumentPath, signeeInfo, certificatePath, certificatePassword);
        Assert.Fail("Signee does not exist.");

/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of a source document signed using provided signee information and X509 certificate.
/// </summary>
private static void SignDocument(string srcDocumentPath, string dstDocumentPath,
    Signee signeeInfo, string certificatePath, string certificatePassword)
    Document document = new Document(srcDocumentPath);
    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(document);

    // Configure and insert a signature line, an object in the document that will display a signature that we sign it with.
    SignatureLineOptions signatureLineOptions = new SignatureLineOptions
        Signer = signeeInfo.Name, 
        SignerTitle = signeeInfo.Position

    SignatureLine signatureLine = builder.InsertSignatureLine(signatureLineOptions).SignatureLine;
    signatureLine.Id = signeeInfo.PersonId;

    // First, we will save an unsigned version of our document.

    CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.Create(certificatePath, certificatePassword);

    SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions
        SignatureLineId = signeeInfo.PersonId,
        SignatureLineImage = signeeInfo.Image

    // Overwrite the unsigned document we saved above with a version signed using the certificate.
    DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(dstDocumentPath, dstDocumentPath, certificateHolder, signOptions);

public class Signee
    public Guid PersonId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Position { get; set; }
    public byte[] Image { get; set; }

    public Signee(Guid guid, string name, string position, byte[] image)
        PersonId = guid;
        Name = name;
        Position = position;
        Image = image;

private static void CreateSignees()
    var signImagePath = ImageDir + "Logo.jpg";

    mSignees = new List<Signee>
        new Signee(Guid.NewGuid(), "Ron Williams", "Chief Executive Officer", TestUtil.ImageToByteArray(signImagePath)),
        new Signee(Guid.NewGuid(), "Stephen Morse", "Head of Compliance", TestUtil.ImageToByteArray(signImagePath))

private static List<Signee> mSignees;

See Also

Sign(Stream, Stream, CertificateHolder)

Signs source document using given CertificateHolder with digital signature and writes signed document to destination stream.

Supported formats are: Doc, Dot, Docx, Dotx, Docm, Odt, Ott.

Output will be written to the start of stream and stream size will be updated with content length.

public static void Sign(Stream srcStream, Stream dstStream, CertificateHolder certHolder)
srcStreamStreamThe stream which contains the document to sign.
dstStreamStreamThe stream that signed document will be written to.
certHolderCertificateHolderCertificateHolder object with certificate that used to sign file. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.


Shows how to sign documents with X.509 certificates.

// Verify that a document is not signed.
Assert.False(FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(MyDir + "Document.docx").HasDigitalSignature);

// Create a CertificateHolder object from a PKCS12 file, which we will use to sign the document.
CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw", null);

// There are two ways of saving a signed copy of a document to the local file system:
// 1 - Designate a document by a local system filename and save a signed copy at a location specified by another filename.
SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions { SignTime = DateTime.Now };
DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(MyDir + "Document.docx", ArtifactsDir + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx",
    certificateHolder, signOptions);

Assert.True(FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(ArtifactsDir + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").HasDigitalSignature);

// 2 - Take a document from a stream and save a signed copy to another stream.
using (FileStream inDoc = new FileStream(MyDir + "Document.docx", FileMode.Open))
    using (FileStream outDoc = new FileStream(ArtifactsDir + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx", FileMode.Create))
        DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(inDoc, outDoc, certificateHolder);

Assert.True(FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(ArtifactsDir + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").HasDigitalSignature);

// Please verify that all of the document's digital signatures are valid and check their details.
Document signedDoc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx");
DigitalSignatureCollection digitalSignatureCollection = signedDoc.DigitalSignatures;

Assert.AreEqual(1, digitalSignatureCollection.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(DigitalSignatureType.XmlDsig, digitalSignatureCollection[0].SignatureType);
Assert.AreEqual("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.DigitalSignatures[0].IssuerName);
Assert.AreEqual("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.DigitalSignatures[0].SubjectName);

See Also

Sign(string, string, CertificateHolder)

Signs source document using given CertificateHolder with digital signature and writes signed document to destination file.

Supported formats are: Doc, Dot, Docx, Dotx, Docm, Odt, Ott.

public static void Sign(string srcFileName, string dstFileName, CertificateHolder certHolder)
srcFileNameStringThe file name of the document to sign.
dstFileNameStringThe file name of the signed document output.
certHolderCertificateHolderCertificateHolder object with certificate that used to sign file. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.


Shows how to sign documents with X.509 certificates.

// Verify that a document is not signed.
Assert.False(FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(MyDir + "Document.docx").HasDigitalSignature);

// Create a CertificateHolder object from a PKCS12 file, which we will use to sign the document.
CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw", null);

// There are two ways of saving a signed copy of a document to the local file system:
// 1 - Designate a document by a local system filename and save a signed copy at a location specified by another filename.
SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions { SignTime = DateTime.Now };
DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(MyDir + "Document.docx", ArtifactsDir + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx",
    certificateHolder, signOptions);

Assert.True(FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(ArtifactsDir + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").HasDigitalSignature);

// 2 - Take a document from a stream and save a signed copy to another stream.
using (FileStream inDoc = new FileStream(MyDir + "Document.docx", FileMode.Open))
    using (FileStream outDoc = new FileStream(ArtifactsDir + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx", FileMode.Create))
        DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(inDoc, outDoc, certificateHolder);

Assert.True(FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(ArtifactsDir + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx").HasDigitalSignature);

// Please verify that all of the document's digital signatures are valid and check their details.
Document signedDoc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "Document.DigitalSignature.docx");
DigitalSignatureCollection digitalSignatureCollection = signedDoc.DigitalSignatures;

Assert.AreEqual(1, digitalSignatureCollection.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(DigitalSignatureType.XmlDsig, digitalSignatureCollection[0].SignatureType);
Assert.AreEqual("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.DigitalSignatures[0].IssuerName);
Assert.AreEqual("CN=Morzal.Me", signedDoc.DigitalSignatures[0].SubjectName);

See Also