
Fill.FillType property

Gets a fill type.

public FillType FillType { get; }


Shows how to convert any of the fills back to solid fill.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Two color gradient.docx");

// Get Fill object for Font of the first Run.
Fill fill = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs[0].Runs[0].Font.Fill;

// Check Fill properties of the Font.
Console.WriteLine("The type of the fill is: {0}", fill.FillType);
Console.WriteLine("The foreground color of the fill is: {0}", fill.ForeColor);
Console.WriteLine("The fill is transparent at {0}%", fill.Transparency * 100);

// Change type of the fill to Solid with uniform green color.
Console.WriteLine("\nThe fill is changed:");
Console.WriteLine("The type of the fill is: {0}", fill.FillType);
Console.WriteLine("The foreground color of the fill is: {0}", fill.ForeColor);
Console.WriteLine("The fill transparency is {0}%", fill.Transparency * 100);

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Drawing.FillSolid.docx");

See Also