
Fill.PresetTexture property

Gets a PresetTexture for the fill.

public PresetTexture PresetTexture { get; }


Shows how to fill and tiling the texture inside the shape.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

Shape shape = builder.InsertShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 80, 80);

// Apply texture alignment to the shape fill.
shape.Fill.TextureAlignment = TextureAlignment.TopRight;

// Use the compliance option to define the shape using DML if you want to get "TextureAlignment"
// property after the document saves.
OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions { Compliance = OoxmlCompliance.Iso29500_2008_Strict };

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Shape.TextureFill.docx", saveOptions);

doc = new Document(ArtifactsDir + "Shape.TextureFill.docx");
shape = (Shape)doc.GetChild(NodeType.Shape, 0, true);

Assert.AreEqual(TextureAlignment.TopRight, shape.Fill.TextureAlignment);
Assert.AreEqual(PresetTexture.Canvas, shape.Fill.PresetTexture);

See Also