
FillType enumeration

Specifies fill type for a fillable object.

public enum FillType


Solid1Solid fill.
Patterned2Patterned fill.
Gradient3Gradient fill.
Textured4Textured fill.
Background5Fill is the same as the background.
Picture6Picture fill.


Shows how to convert any of the fills back to solid fill.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Two color gradient.docx");

// Get Fill object for Font of the first Run.
Fill fill = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs[0].Runs[0].Font.Fill;

// Check Fill properties of the Font.
Console.WriteLine("The type of the fill is: {0}", fill.FillType);
Console.WriteLine("The foreground color of the fill is: {0}", fill.ForeColor);
Console.WriteLine("The fill is transparent at {0}%", fill.Transparency * 100);

// Change type of the fill to Solid with uniform green color.
Console.WriteLine("\nThe fill is changed:");
Console.WriteLine("The type of the fill is: {0}", fill.FillType);
Console.WriteLine("The foreground color of the fill is: {0}", fill.ForeColor);
Console.WriteLine("The fill transparency is {0}%", fill.Transparency * 100);

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Drawing.FillSolid.docx");

See Also