
GradientStopCollection.Remove method

Removes a specified GradientStop from the collection.

public bool Remove(GradientStop gradientStop)

Return Value

true if gradient stop was successfully removed, otherwise false.


Shows how to add gradient stops to the gradient fill.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

Shape shape = builder.InsertShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 80, 80);
shape.Fill.TwoColorGradient(Color.Green, Color.Red, GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant2);

// Get gradient stops collection.
GradientStopCollection gradientStops = shape.Fill.GradientStops;

// Change first gradient stop.
gradientStops[0].Color = Color.Aqua;
gradientStops[0].Position = 0.1;
gradientStops[0].Transparency = 0.25;

// Add new gradient stop to the end of collection.
GradientStop gradientStop = new GradientStop(Color.Brown, 0.5);

// Remove gradient stop at index 1.
// And insert new gradient stop at the same index 1.
gradientStops.Insert(1, new GradientStop(Color.Chocolate, 0.75, 0.3));

// Remove last gradient stop in the collection.
gradientStop = gradientStops[2];

Assert.AreEqual(2, gradientStops.Count);

Assert.AreEqual(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 255), gradientStops[0].BaseColor);
Assert.AreEqual(Color.Aqua.ToArgb(), gradientStops[0].Color.ToArgb());
Assert.AreEqual(0.1d, gradientStops[0].Position, 0.01d);
Assert.AreEqual(0.25d, gradientStops[0].Transparency, 0.01d);

Assert.AreEqual(Color.Chocolate.ToArgb(), gradientStops[1].Color.ToArgb());
Assert.AreEqual(0.75d, gradientStops[1].Position, 0.01d);
Assert.AreEqual(0.3d, gradientStops[1].Transparency, 0.01d);

// Use the compliance option to define the shape using DML
// if you want to get "GradientStops" property after the document saves.
OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions { Compliance = OoxmlCompliance.Iso29500_2008_Strict };

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Shape.GradientStops.docx", saveOptions);

See Also