
ShapeTextOrientation enumeration

Specifies orientation of text in shapes.

public enum ShapeTextOrientation


Horizontal0Text is arranged horizontally (lr-tb).
Downward1Text is rotated 90 degrees to the right to appear from top to bottom (tb-rl).
Upward2Text is rotated 90 degrees to the left to appear from bottom to top (bt-lr).
VerticalFarEast3Far East characters appear vertical, other text is rotated 90 degrees to the right to appear from top to bottom (tb-rl-v).
VerticalRotatedFarEast4Far East characters appear vertical, other text is rotated 90 degrees to the right to appear from top to bottom vertically, then left to right horizontally (tb-lr-v).
WordArtVertical5Text is vertical, with one letter on top of the other.
WordArtVerticalRightToLeft6Text is vertical, with one letter on top of the other, then right to left horizontally.


Shows how to change orientation and rotation for data labels.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

Shape shape = builder.InsertChart(ChartType.Column, 432, 252);
ChartSeries series = shape.Chart.Series[0];
ChartDataLabelCollection dataLabels = series.DataLabels;

// Show data labels.
series.HasDataLabels = true;
dataLabels.ShowValue = true;
dataLabels.ShowCategoryName = true;

// Define data label shape.
dataLabels.Format.ShapeType = ChartShapeType.UpArrow;

// Set data label orientation and rotation for the entire series.
dataLabels.Orientation = ShapeTextOrientation.VerticalFarEast;
dataLabels.Rotation = -45;

// Change orientation and rotation of the first data label.
dataLabels[0].Orientation = ShapeTextOrientation.Horizontal;
dataLabels[0].Rotation = 45;

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Charts.LabelOrientationRotation.docx");

See Also