
SignatureLine.Instructions property

Gets or sets instructions to the signer that are displayed on signing the signature line. This property is ignored if DefaultInstructions is set. Default value for this property is empty string (Empty).

public string Instructions { get; set; }


Shows how to create a line for a signature and insert it into a document.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

SignatureLineOptions options = new SignatureLineOptions
    AllowComments = true,
    DefaultInstructions = true,
    Email = "",
    Instructions = "Please sign here",
    ShowDate = true,
    Signer = "John Doe",
    SignerTitle = "Senior Manager"

// Insert a shape that will contain a signature line, whose appearance we will
// customize using the "SignatureLineOptions" object we have created above.
// If we insert a shape whose coordinates originate at the bottom right hand corner of the page,
// we will need to supply negative x and y coordinates to bring the shape into view.
Shape shape = builder.InsertSignatureLine(options, RelativeHorizontalPosition.RightMargin, -170.0,
        RelativeVerticalPosition.BottomMargin, -60.0, WrapType.None);


// Verify the properties of our signature line via its Shape object.
SignatureLine signatureLine = shape.SignatureLine;

Assert.AreEqual("", signatureLine.Email);
Assert.AreEqual("John Doe", signatureLine.Signer);
Assert.AreEqual("Senior Manager", signatureLine.SignerTitle);
Assert.AreEqual("Please sign here", signatureLine.Instructions);

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Shape.SignatureLine.docx");

See Also