
FieldToc.PrefixedSequenceIdentifier property

Gets or sets the identifier of a sequence for which a prefix should be added to the entry’s page number.

public string PrefixedSequenceIdentifier { get; set; }


Shows how to populate a TOC field with entries using SEQ fields.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// A TOC field can create an entry in its table of contents for each SEQ field found in the document.
// Each entry contains the paragraph that includes the SEQ field and the page's number that the field appears on.
FieldToc fieldToc = (FieldToc)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldTOC, true);

// SEQ fields display a count that increments at each SEQ field.
// These fields also maintain separate counts for each unique named sequence
// identified by the SEQ field's "SequenceIdentifier" property.
// Use the "TableOfFiguresLabel" property to name a main sequence for the TOC.
// Now, this TOC will only create entries out of SEQ fields with their "SequenceIdentifier" set to "MySequence".
fieldToc.TableOfFiguresLabel = "MySequence";

// We can name another SEQ field sequence in the "PrefixedSequenceIdentifier" property.
// SEQ fields from this prefix sequence will not create TOC entries. 
// Every TOC entry created from a main sequence SEQ field will now also display the count that
// the prefix sequence is currently on at the primary sequence SEQ field that made the entry.
fieldToc.PrefixedSequenceIdentifier = "PrefixSequence";

// Each TOC entry will display the prefix sequence count immediately to the left
// of the page number that the main sequence SEQ field appears on.
// We can specify a custom separator that will appear between these two numbers.
fieldToc.SequenceSeparator = ">";

Assert.AreEqual(" TOC  \\c MySequence \\s PrefixSequence \\d >", fieldToc.GetFieldCode());


// There are two ways of using SEQ fields to populate this TOC.
// 1 -  Inserting a SEQ field that belongs to the TOC's prefix sequence:
// This field will increment the SEQ sequence count for the "PrefixSequence" by 1.
// Since this field does not belong to the main sequence identified
// by the "TableOfFiguresLabel" property of the TOC, it will not appear as an entry.
FieldSeq fieldSeq = (FieldSeq)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldSequence, true);
fieldSeq.SequenceIdentifier = "PrefixSequence";

Assert.AreEqual(" SEQ  PrefixSequence", fieldSeq.GetFieldCode());

// 2 -  Inserting a SEQ field that belongs to the TOC's main sequence:
// This SEQ field will create an entry in the TOC.
// The TOC entry will contain the paragraph that the SEQ field is in and the number of the page that it appears on.
// This entry will also display the count that the prefix sequence is currently at,
// separated from the page number by the value in the TOC's SeqenceSeparator property.
// The "PrefixSequence" count is at 1, this main sequence SEQ field is on page 2,
// and the separator is ">", so entry will display "1>2".
builder.Write("First TOC entry, MySequence #");
fieldSeq = (FieldSeq)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldSequence, true);
fieldSeq.SequenceIdentifier = "MySequence";

Assert.AreEqual(" SEQ  MySequence", fieldSeq.GetFieldCode());

// Insert a page, advance the prefix sequence by 2, and insert a SEQ field to create a TOC entry afterwards.
// The prefix sequence is now at 2, and the main sequence SEQ field is on page 3,
// so the TOC entry will display "2>3" at its page count.
fieldSeq = (FieldSeq)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldSequence, true);
fieldSeq.SequenceIdentifier = "PrefixSequence";
fieldSeq = (FieldSeq)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldSequence, true);
builder.Write("Second TOC entry, MySequence #");
fieldSeq.SequenceIdentifier = "MySequence";

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.TOC.SEQ.docx");

See Also