]FieldType enumeration
Specifies Microsoft Word field types.
public enum FieldType
Name | Value | Description |
FieldNone | 0 | Field type is not specified or unknown. |
FieldCannotParse | 1 | Specifies that the field was unable to be parsed. |
FieldAddin | 81 | Specifies the ADDIN field. |
FieldAddressBlock | 93 | Specifies the ADDRESSBLOCK field. |
FieldAdvance | 84 | Specifies the ADVANCE field. |
FieldAsk | 38 | Specifies the ASK field. |
FieldAuthor | 17 | Specifies the AUTHOR field. |
FieldAutoNum | 54 | Specifies the AUTONUM field. |
FieldAutoNumLegal | 53 | Specifies the AUTONUMLGL field. |
FieldAutoNumOutline | 52 | Specifies the AUTONUMOUT field. |
FieldAutoText | 79 | Specifies the AUTOTEXT field. |
FieldAutoTextList | 89 | Specifies the AUTOTEXTLIST field. |
FieldBarcode | 63 | Specifies the BARCODE field. |
FieldBibliography | 100500 | Specifies the BIBLIOGRAPHY field. |
FieldBidiOutline | 92 | Specifies the BIDIOUTLINE field. |
FieldCitation | 1980 | Specifies the CITATION field. |
FieldComments | 19 | Specifies the COMMENTS field. |
FieldCompare | 80 | Specifies the COMPARE field. |
FieldCreateDate | 21 | Specifies the CREATEDATE field. |
FieldData | 40 | Specifies the DATA field. |
FieldDatabase | 78 | Specifies the DATABASE field. |
FieldDate | 31 | Specifies the DATE field. |
FieldDDE | 45 | Specifies the DDE field. |
FieldDisplayBarcode | 6301 | Specifies the DISPLAYBARCODE field. |
FieldMergeBarcode | 6302 | Specifies the MERGEBARCODE field. |
FieldDDEAuto | 46 | Specifies the DDEAUTO field. |
FieldDocProperty | 85 | Specifies the DOCPROPERTY field. |
FieldDocVariable | 64 | Specifies the DOCVARIABLE field. |
FieldEditTime | 25 | Specifies the EDITTIME field. |
FieldEmbed | 58 | Specifies the EMBED field. |
FieldEquation | 49 | Specifies the EQ field. |
FieldFileName | 29 | Specifies the FILENAME field. |
FieldFileSize | 69 | Specifies the FILESIZE field. |
FieldFillIn | 39 | Specifies the FILLIN field. |
FieldFootnoteRef | 5 | Specifies the FOOTNOTEREF field. |
FieldFormCheckBox | 71 | Specifies the FORMCHECKBOX field. |
FieldFormDropDown | 83 | Specifies the FORMDROPDOWN field. |
FieldFormTextInput | 70 | Specifies the FORMTEXT field. |
FieldFormula | 34 | Specifies the = (formula) field. |
FieldGreetingLine | 94 | Specifies the GREETINGLINE field. |
FieldGlossary | 47 | Specifies the GLOSSARY field. |
FieldGoToButton | 50 | Specifies the GOTOBUTTON field. |
FieldHtmlActiveX | 91 | Specifies the field that represents an HTML control. |
FieldHyperlink | 88 | Specifies the HYPERLINK field. |
FieldIf | 7 | Specifies the IF field. |
FieldInclude | 36 | Specifies the INCLUDE field. |
FieldIncludePicture | 67 | Specifies the INCLUDEPICTURE field. |
FieldIncludeText | 68 | Specifies the INCLUDETEXT field. |
FieldIndex | 8 | Specifies the INDEX field. |
FieldIndexEntry | 4 | Specifies the XE field. |
FieldInfo | 14 | Specifies the INFO field. |
FieldImport | 55 | Specifies the IMPORT field. |
FieldKeyword | 18 | Specifies the KEYWORDS field. |
FieldLastSavedBy | 20 | Specifies the LASTSAVEDBY field. |
FieldLink | 56 | Specifies the LINK field. |
FieldListNum | 90 | Specifies the LISTNUM field. |
FieldMacroButton | 51 | Specifies the MACROBUTTON field. |
FieldMergeField | 59 | Specifies the MERGEFIELD field. |
FieldMergeRec | 44 | Specifies the MERGEREC field. |
FieldMergeSeq | 75 | Specifies the MERGESEQ field. |
FieldNext | 41 | Specifies the NEXT field. |
FieldNextIf | 42 | Specifies the NEXTIF field. |
FieldNoteRef | 72 | Specifies the NOTEREF field. |
FieldNumChars | 28 | Specifies the NUMCHARS field. |
FieldNumPages | 26 | Specifies the NUMPAGES field. |
FieldNumWords | 27 | Specifies the NUMWORDS field. |
FieldOcx | 87 | Specifies the OCX field. |
FieldPage | 33 | Specifies the PAGE field. |
FieldPageRef | 37 | Specifies the PAGEREF field. |
FieldPrint | 48 | Specifies the PRINT field. |
FieldPrintDate | 23 | Specifies the PRINTDATE field. |
FieldPrivate | 77 | Specifies the PRIVATE field. |
FieldQuote | 35 | Specifies the QUOTE field. |
FieldRef | 3 | Specifies the REF field. |
FieldRefNoKeyword | 2 | Specifies that the field represents a REF field where the keyword has been omitted. |
FieldRefDoc | 11 | Specifies the RD field. |
FieldRevisionNum | 24 | Specifies the REVNUM field. |
FieldSaveDate | 22 | Specifies the SAVEDATE field. |
FieldSection | 65 | Specifies the SECTION field. |
FieldSectionPages | 66 | Specifies the SECTIONPAGES field. |
FieldSequence | 12 | Specifies the SEQ field. |
FieldSet | 6 | Specifies the SET field. |
FieldShape | 95 | Specifies the SHAPE field. |
FieldSkipIf | 43 | Specifies the SKIPIF field. |
FieldStyleRef | 10 | Specifies the STYLEREF field. |
FieldSubject | 16 | Specifies the SUBJECT field. |
FieldSymbol | 57 | Specifies the SYMBOL field. |
FieldTemplate | 30 | Specifies the TEMPLATE field. |
FieldTime | 32 | Specifies the TIME field. |
FieldTitle | 15 | Specifies the TITLE field. |
FieldTOA | 73 | Specifies the TOA field. |
FieldTOAEntry | 74 | Specifies the TA field. |
FieldTOC | 13 | Specifies the TOC field. |
FieldTOCEntry | 9 | Specifies the TC field. |
FieldUserAddress | 62 | Specifies the USERADDRESS field. |
FieldUserInitials | 61 | Specifies the USERINITIALS field. |
FieldUserName | 60 | Specifies the USERNAME field. |
Shows how to insert a field into a document using a field code.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
Field field = builder.InsertField("DATE \\@ \"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy\"");
Assert.AreEqual(FieldType.FieldDate, field.Type);
Assert.AreEqual("DATE \\@ \"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy\"", field.GetFieldCode());
// This overload of the InsertField method automatically updates inserted fields.
Assert.True((DateTime.Today - DateTime.Parse(field.Result)).Days <= 1);
Shows how to work with a FieldStart node.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldDate field = (FieldDate)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldDate, true);
field.Format.DateTimeFormat = "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy";
FieldChar fieldStart = field.Start;
Assert.AreEqual(FieldType.FieldDate, fieldStart.FieldType);
Assert.AreEqual(false, fieldStart.IsDirty);
Assert.AreEqual(false, fieldStart.IsLocked);
// Retrieve the facade object which represents the field in the document.
field = (FieldDate)fieldStart.GetField();
Assert.AreEqual(false, field.IsLocked);
Assert.AreEqual(" DATE \\@ \"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy\"", field.GetFieldCode());
// Update the field to show the current date.
See Also
- namespace Aspose.Words.Fields
- assembly Aspose.Words