
FontFallbackSettings class

Specifies font fallback mechanism settings.

To learn more, visit the Working with Fonts documentation article.

public class FontFallbackSettings


BuildAutomatic()Automatically builds the fallback settings by scanning available fonts.
Load(Stream)Loads fallback settings from XML stream.
Load(string)Loads font fallback settings from XML file.
LoadMsOfficeFallbackSettings()Loads predefined fallback settings which mimics the Microsoft Word fallback and uses Microsoft office fonts.
LoadNotoFallbackSettings()Loads predefined fallback settings which uses Google Noto fonts.
Save(Stream)Saves the current fallback settings to stream.
Save(string)Saves the current fallback settings to file.


By default fallback settings are initialized with predefined settings which mimics the Microsoft Word fallback.


Shows how to distribute fallback fonts across Unicode character code ranges.

Document doc = new Document();

FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
doc.FontSettings = fontSettings;
FontFallbackSettings fontFallbackSettings = fontSettings.FallbackSettings;

// Configure our font settings to source fonts only from the "MyFonts" folder.
FolderFontSource folderFontSource = new FolderFontSource(FontsDir, false);
fontSettings.SetFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[] {folderFontSource});

// Calling the "BuildAutomatic" method will generate a fallback scheme that
// distributes accessible fonts across as many Unicode character codes as possible.
// In our case, it only has access to the handful of fonts inside the "MyFonts" folder.
fontFallbackSettings.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FontSettings.FallbackSettingsCustom.BuildAutomatic.xml");

// We can also load a custom substitution scheme from a file like this.
// This scheme applies the "AllegroOpen" font across the "0000-00ff" Unicode blocks, the "AllegroOpen" font across "0100-024f",
// and the "M+ 2m" font in all other ranges that other fonts in the scheme do not cover.
fontFallbackSettings.Load(MyDir + "Custom font fallback settings.xml");

// Create a document builder and set its font to one that does not exist in any of our sources.
// Our font settings will invoke the fallback scheme for characters that we type using the unavailable font.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Font.Name = "Missing Font";

// Use the builder to print every Unicode character from 0x0021 to 0x052F,
// with descriptive lines dividing Unicode blocks we defined in our custom font fallback scheme.
for (int i = 0x0021; i < 0x0530; i++)
    switch (i)
        case 0x0021:
                "\n\n0x0021 - 0x00FF: \nBasic Latin/Latin-1 Supplement Unicode blocks in \"AllegroOpen\" font:");
        case 0x0100:
                "\n\n0x0100 - 0x024F: \nLatin Extended A/B blocks, mostly in \"AllegroOpen\" font:");
        case 0x0250:
            builder.Writeln("\n\n0x0250 - 0x052F: \nIPA/Greek/Cyrillic blocks in \"M+ 2m\" font:");


doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FontSettings.FallbackSettingsCustom.pdf");

See Also