
ReportBuilder class

Provides methods intended to fill template with data using LINQ Reporting Engine.

public static class ReportBuilder


static BuildReport(string, string, object)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report.
static BuildReport(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, object)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report from input and output streams.
static BuildReport(string, string, object, ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with additional options.
static BuildReport(string, string, object, string)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with a named data source reference.
static BuildReport(string, string, object[], string[])Populates the template document with data from multiple sources, generating a completed report from the specified input and output file names. This overload automatically determines the save format based on the output file extension.
static BuildReport(string, string, SaveFormat, object)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with specified output format.
static BuildReport(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, object, ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with specified output format and additional options, from input and output streams.
static BuildReport(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, object, string)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with a named data source reference.
static BuildReport(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, object[], string[])Populates the template document with data from multiple sources, generating a completed report from the specified input and output file streams.
static BuildReport(Stream, Stream, SaveOptions, object, ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with specified output format and additional options, from input and output streams.
static BuildReport(string, string, object, string, ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with a named data source reference and additional options.
static BuildReport(string, string, object[], string[], ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from multiple sources, generating a completed report with additional options. This overload automatically determines the save format based on the output file extension.
static BuildReport(string, string, SaveFormat, object, ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with specified output format and additional options.
static BuildReport(string, string, SaveFormat, object, string)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with specified output format and a named data source reference.
static BuildReport(string, string, SaveFormat, object[], string[])Populates the template document with data from multiple sources, generating a completed report with a specified output format. This overload automatically determines the save format based on the output file extension.
static BuildReport(string, string, SaveOptions, object, ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with specified output format and additional options.
static BuildReport(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, object, string, ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with a named data source reference and additional options.
static BuildReport(Stream, Stream, SaveFormat, object[], string[], ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from multiple sources, generating a completed report with specified output format and additional options from the specified input and output file streams.
static BuildReport(Stream, Stream, SaveOptions, object, string, ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with a named data source reference and additional options.
static BuildReport(Stream, Stream, SaveOptions, object[], string[], ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from multiple sources, generating a completed report with specified output format and additional options from the specified input and output file streams.
static BuildReport(string, string, SaveFormat, object, string, ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with specified output format, a named data source reference, and additional options.
static BuildReport(string, string, SaveFormat, object[], string[], ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from multiple sources, generating a completed report with a specified output format and additional options.
static BuildReport(string, string, SaveOptions, object, string, ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from the specified source, generating a completed report with specified output format, a named data source reference, and additional options.
static BuildReport(string, string, SaveOptions, object[], string[], ReportBuilderOptions)Populates the template document with data from multiple sources, generating a completed report with a specified output format and additional options.

See Also