
GetSizeInPixels(float, float)

Calculates the page size in pixels for a specified zoom factor and resolution.

public Size GetSizeInPixels(float scale, float dpi)
scaleSingleThe zoom factor (1.0 is 100%).
dpiSingleThe resolution (horizontal and vertical) to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).

Return Value

The size of the page in pixels.


Shows how to print page size and orientation information for every page in a Word document.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Rendering.docx");

// The first section has 2 pages. We will assign a different printer paper tray to each one,
// whose number will match a kind of paper source. These sources and their Kinds will vary
// depending on the installed printer driver.
PrinterSettings.PaperSourceCollection paperSources = new PrinterSettings().PaperSources;

doc.FirstSection.PageSetup.FirstPageTray = paperSources[0].RawKind;
doc.FirstSection.PageSetup.OtherPagesTray = paperSources[1].RawKind;

Console.WriteLine("Document \"{0}\" contains {1} pages.", doc.OriginalFileName, doc.PageCount);

float scale = 1.0f;
float dpi = 96;

for (int i = 0; i < doc.PageCount; i++)
    // Each page has a PageInfo object, whose index is the respective page's number.
    PageInfo pageInfo = doc.GetPageInfo(i);

    // Print the page's orientation and dimensions.
    Console.WriteLine($"Page {i + 1}:");
    Console.WriteLine($"\tOrientation:\t{(pageInfo.Landscape ? "Landscape" : "Portrait")}");
    Console.WriteLine($"\tPaper size:\t\t{pageInfo.PaperSize} ({pageInfo.WidthInPoints:F0}x{pageInfo.HeightInPoints:F0}pt)");
    Console.WriteLine($"\tSize in points:\t{pageInfo.SizeInPoints}");
    Console.WriteLine($"\tSize in pixels:\t{pageInfo.GetSizeInPixels(1.0f, 96)} at {scale * 100}% scale, {dpi} dpi");

    // Print the source tray information.
    PaperSource source = pageInfo.GetSpecifiedPrinterPaperSource(paperSources, paperSources[0]);
    Console.WriteLine($"\tSuitable print source:\t{source.SourceName}, kind: {source.Kind}");

See Also

GetSizeInPixels(float, float, float)

Calculates the page size in pixels for a specified zoom factor and resolution.

public Size GetSizeInPixels(float scale, float horizontalDpi, float verticalDpi)
scaleSingleThe zoom factor (1.0 is 100%).
horizontalDpiSingleThe horizontal resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).
verticalDpiSingleThe vertical resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).

Return Value

The size of the page in pixels.


Shows how to print page size and orientation information for every page in a Word document.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Rendering.docx");

// The first section has 2 pages. We will assign a different printer paper tray to each one,
// whose number will match a kind of paper source. These sources and their Kinds will vary
// depending on the installed printer driver.
PrinterSettings.PaperSourceCollection paperSources = new PrinterSettings().PaperSources;

doc.FirstSection.PageSetup.FirstPageTray = paperSources[0].RawKind;
doc.FirstSection.PageSetup.OtherPagesTray = paperSources[1].RawKind;

Console.WriteLine("Document \"{0}\" contains {1} pages.", doc.OriginalFileName, doc.PageCount);

float scale = 1.0f;
float dpi = 96;

for (int i = 0; i < doc.PageCount; i++)
    // Each page has a PageInfo object, whose index is the respective page's number.
    PageInfo pageInfo = doc.GetPageInfo(i);

    // Print the page's orientation and dimensions.
    Console.WriteLine($"Page {i + 1}:");
    Console.WriteLine($"\tOrientation:\t{(pageInfo.Landscape ? "Landscape" : "Portrait")}");
    Console.WriteLine($"\tPaper size:\t\t{pageInfo.PaperSize} ({pageInfo.WidthInPoints:F0}x{pageInfo.HeightInPoints:F0}pt)");
    Console.WriteLine($"\tSize in points:\t{pageInfo.SizeInPoints}");
    Console.WriteLine($"\tSize in pixels:\t{pageInfo.GetSizeInPixels(1.0f, 96)} at {scale * 100}% scale, {dpi} dpi");

    // Print the source tray information.
    PaperSource source = pageInfo.GetSpecifiedPrinterPaperSource(paperSources, paperSources[0]);
    Console.WriteLine($"\tSuitable print source:\t{source.SourceName}, kind: {source.Kind}");

See Also