
Border.IsVisible property

Returns true if the LineStyle is not None.

public bool IsVisible { get; }


Shows how to remove borders from a paragraph.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Borders.docx");

// Each paragraph has an individual set of borders.
// We can access the settings for the appearance of these borders via the paragraph format object.
BorderCollection borders = doc.FirstSection.Body.FirstParagraph.ParagraphFormat.Borders;

Assert.AreEqual(Color.Red.ToArgb(), borders[0].Color.ToArgb());
Assert.AreEqual(3.0d, borders[0].LineWidth);
Assert.AreEqual(LineStyle.Single, borders[0].LineStyle);

// We can remove a border at once by running the ClearFormatting method. 
// Running this method on every border of a paragraph will remove all its borders.
foreach (Border border in borders)

Assert.AreEqual(Color.Empty.ToArgb(), borders[0].Color.ToArgb());
Assert.AreEqual(0.0d, borders[0].LineWidth);
Assert.AreEqual(LineStyle.None, borders[0].LineStyle);

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Border.ClearFormatting.docx");

See Also