
Document.FontSettings property

Gets or sets document font settings.

public FontSettings FontSettings { get; set; }


This property allows to specify font settings per document. If set to null, default static font settings DefaultInstance will be used.

The default value is null.


Shows how set font substitution rules.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

builder.Font.Name = "Arial";
builder.Writeln("Hello world!");
builder.Font.Name = "Amethysta";
builder.Writeln("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");

FontSourceBase[] fontSources = FontSettings.DefaultInstance.GetFontsSources();

// The default font sources contain the first font that the document uses.
Assert.AreEqual(1, fontSources.Length);
Assert.True(fontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Arial"));

// The second font, "Amethysta", is unavailable.
Assert.False(fontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Amethysta"));

// We can configure a font substitution table which determines
// which fonts Aspose.Words will use as substitutes for unavailable fonts.
// Set two substitution fonts for "Amethysta": "Arvo", and "Courier New".
// If the first substitute is unavailable, Aspose.Words attempts to use the second substitute, and so on.
doc.FontSettings = new FontSettings();
    "Amethysta", new[] {"Arvo", "Courier New"});

// "Amethysta" is unavailable, and the substitution rule states that the first font to use as a substitute is "Arvo". 
Assert.False(fontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Arvo"));

// "Arvo" is also unavailable, but "Courier New" is. 
Assert.True(fontSources[0].GetAvailableFonts().Any(f => f.FullFontName == "Courier New"));

// The output document will display the text that uses the "Amethysta" font formatted with "Courier New".
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FontSettings.TableSubstitution.pdf");

See Also