
Hyphenation.IsDictionaryRegistered method

Returns false if for the specified language there is no dictionary registered or if registered is Null dictionary, true otherwise.

public static bool IsDictionaryRegistered(string language)


Shows how to register a hyphenation dictionary.

// A hyphenation dictionary contains a list of strings that define hyphenation rules for the dictionary's language.
// When a document contains lines of text in which a word could be split up and continued on the next line,
// hyphenation will look through the dictionary's list of strings for that word's substrings.
// If the dictionary contains a substring, then hyphenation will split the word across two lines
// by the substring and add a hyphen to the first half.
// Register a dictionary file from the local file system to the "de-CH" locale.
Hyphenation.RegisterDictionary("de-CH", MyDir + "hyph_de_CH.dic");


// Open a document containing text with a locale matching that of our dictionary,
// and save it to a fixed-page save format. The text in that document will be hyphenated.
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "German text.docx");

    r => r.Font.LocaleId == new CultureInfo("de-CH").LCID));

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Hyphenation.Dictionary.Registered.pdf");

// Re-load the document after un-registering the dictionary,
// and save it to another PDF, which will not have hyphenated text.


doc = new Document(MyDir + "German text.docx");
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Hyphenation.Dictionary.Unregistered.pdf");

See Also