]Run class
Represents a run of characters with the same font formatting.
To learn more, visit the Programming with Documents documentation article.
public class Run : Inline
Name | Description |
Run(DocumentBase) | Initializes a new instance of the Run class. |
Run(DocumentBase, string) | Initializes a new instance of the Run class. |
Name | Description |
CustomNodeId { get; set; } | Specifies custom node identifier. |
virtual Document { get; } | Gets the document to which this node belongs. |
Font { get; } | Provides access to the font formatting of this object. |
virtual IsComposite { get; } | Returns true if this node can contain other nodes. |
IsDeleteRevision { get; } | Returns true if this object was deleted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled. |
IsFormatRevision { get; } | Returns true if formatting of the object was changed in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled. |
IsInsertRevision { get; } | Returns true if this object was inserted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled. |
IsMoveFromRevision { get; } | Returns true if this object was moved (deleted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled. |
IsMoveToRevision { get; } | Returns true if this object was moved (inserted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled. |
IsPhoneticGuide { get; } | Gets a boolean value indicating either the run is a phonetic guide. |
NextSibling { get; } | Gets the node immediately following this node. |
override NodeType { get; } | Returns Run. |
ParentNode { get; } | Gets the immediate parent of this node. |
ParentParagraph { get; } | Retrieves the parent Paragraph of this node. |
PhoneticGuide { get; } | Gets a PhoneticGuide object. |
PreviousSibling { get; } | Gets the node immediately preceding this node. |
Range { get; } | Returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that is contained in this node. |
Text { get; set; } | Gets or sets the text of the run. |
Name | Description |
override Accept(DocumentVisitor) | Accepts a visitor. |
Clone(bool) | Creates a duplicate of the node. |
GetAncestor(NodeType) | Gets the first ancestor of the specified NodeType . |
GetAncestor(Type) | Gets the first ancestor of the specified object type. |
override GetText() | Gets the text of the run. |
NextPreOrder(Node) | Gets next node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm. |
PreviousPreOrder(Node) | Gets the previous node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm. |
Remove() | Removes itself from the parent. |
ToString(SaveFormat) | Exports the content of the node into a string in the specified format. |
ToString(SaveOptions) | Exports the content of the node into a string using the specified save options. |
All text of the document is stored in runs of text.
can only be a child of Paragraph
or inline StructuredDocumentTag
Shows how to format a run of text using its font property.
Document doc = new Document();
Run run = new Run(doc, "Hello world!");
Aspose.Words.Font font = run.Font;
font.Name = "Courier New";
font.Size = 36;
font.HighlightColor = Color.Yellow;
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Font.CreateFormattedRun.docx");
Shows how to construct an Aspose.Words document by hand.
Document doc = new Document();
// A blank document contains one section, one body and one paragraph.
// Call the "RemoveAllChildren" method to remove all those nodes,
// and end up with a document node with no children.
// This document now has no composite child nodes that we can add content to.
// If we wish to edit it, we will need to repopulate its node collection.
// First, create a new section, and then append it as a child to the root document node.
Section section = new Section(doc);
// Set some page setup properties for the section.
section.PageSetup.SectionStart = SectionStart.NewPage;
section.PageSetup.PaperSize = PaperSize.Letter;
// A section needs a body, which will contain and display all its contents
// on the page between the section's header and footer.
Body body = new Body(doc);
// Create a paragraph, set some formatting properties, and then append it as a child to the body.
Paragraph para = new Paragraph(doc);
para.ParagraphFormat.StyleName = "Heading 1";
para.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
// Finally, add some content to do the document. Create a run,
// set its appearance and contents, and then append it as a child to the paragraph.
Run run = new Run(doc);
run.Text = "Hello World!";
run.Font.Color = Color.Red;
Assert.AreEqual("Hello World!", doc.GetText().Trim());
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Section.CreateManually.docx");
Shows how to add, update and delete child nodes in a CompositeNode’s collection of children.
Document doc = new Document();
// An empty document, by default, has one paragraph.
Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs.Count);
// Composite nodes such as our paragraph can contain other composite and inline nodes as children.
Paragraph paragraph = doc.FirstSection.Body.FirstParagraph;
Run paragraphText = new Run(doc, "Initial text. ");
// Create three more run nodes.
Run run1 = new Run(doc, "Run 1. ");
Run run2 = new Run(doc, "Run 2. ");
Run run3 = new Run(doc, "Run 3. ");
// The document body will not display these runs until we insert them into a composite node
// that itself is a part of the document's node tree, as we did with the first run.
// We can determine where the text contents of nodes that we insert
// appears in the document by specifying an insertion location relative to another node in the paragraph.
Assert.AreEqual("Initial text.", paragraph.GetText().Trim());
// Insert the second run into the paragraph in front of the initial run.
paragraph.InsertBefore(run2, paragraphText);
Assert.AreEqual("Run 2. Initial text.", paragraph.GetText().Trim());
// Insert the third run after the initial run.
paragraph.InsertAfter(run3, paragraphText);
Assert.AreEqual("Run 2. Initial text. Run 3.", paragraph.GetText().Trim());
// Insert the first run to the start of the paragraph's child nodes collection.
Assert.AreEqual("Run 1. Run 2. Initial text. Run 3.", paragraph.GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual(4, paragraph.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Any, true).Count);
// We can modify the contents of the run by editing and deleting existing child nodes.
((Run)paragraph.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Run, true)[1]).Text = "Updated run 2. ";
paragraph.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Run, true).Remove(paragraphText);
Assert.AreEqual("Run 1. Updated run 2. Run 3.", paragraph.GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual(3, paragraph.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Any, true).Count);
See Also
- class Inline
- namespace Aspose.Words
- assembly Aspose.Words