aspose.words.drawing.ole module

Contains classes to work with OLE / ActiveX controls and forms in Microsoft Word documents.


CheckBoxControlThe CheckBox control toggles a value.
Forms2OleControlRepresents Microsoft Forms 2.0 OLE control. To learn more, visit the Working with Ole Objects documentation article.
Forms2OleControlCollectionRepresents collection of Forms2OleControl objects. To learn more, visit the Working with Ole Objects documentation article.
MorphDataControlThe MorphDataControl structure is an aggregate of six controls: CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox, OptionButton, TextBox, and ToggleButton.
OleControlRepresents OLE ActiveX control. To learn more, visit the Working with Ole Objects documentation article.
OptionButtonControlThe OptionButton control enables a single choice in a limited set of mutually exclusive choices.
TextBoxControlThe TextBox control displays text from an organized set of data or user input.


Forms2OleControlTypeEnumerates types of Forms 2.0 controls.