ShapeMarkupLanguage enumeration

ShapeMarkupLanguage enumeration

Specifies Markup language used for the shape.


DMLDrawing Markup Language is used to define the shape.
VMLVector Markup Language is used to define the shape.


Shows how to set an OOXML compliance specification for a saved document to adhere to.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
# If we configure compatibility options to comply with Microsoft Word 2003,
# inserting an image will define its shape using VML.
builder.insert_image(file_name=IMAGE_DIR + 'Transparent background logo.png')
self.assertEqual(aw.drawing.ShapeMarkupLanguage.VML, doc.get_child(aw.NodeType.SHAPE, 0, True).as_shape().markup_language)
# The "ISO/IEC 29500:2008" OOXML standard does not support VML shapes.
# If we set the "Compliance" property of the SaveOptions object to "OoxmlCompliance.Iso29500_2008_Strict",
# any document we save while passing this object will have to follow that standard.
save_options = aw.saving.OoxmlSaveOptions()
save_options.compliance = aw.saving.OoxmlCompliance.ISO29500_2008_STRICT
save_options.save_format = aw.SaveFormat.DOCX + 'OoxmlSaveOptions.Iso29500Strict.docx', save_options=save_options)
# Our saved document defines the shape using DML to adhere to the "ISO/IEC 29500:2008" OOXML standard.
doc = aw.Document(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'OoxmlSaveOptions.Iso29500Strict.docx')
self.assertEqual(aw.drawing.ShapeMarkupLanguage.DML, doc.get_child(aw.NodeType.SHAPE, 0, True).as_shape().markup_language)

See Also