line_style property

Stroke.line_style property

Defines the line style of the stroke.

def line_style(self) -> aspose.words.drawing.ShapeLineStyle:

def line_style(self, value: aspose.words.drawing.ShapeLineStyle):


The default value is ShapeLineStyle.SINGLE.


Shows how change stroke properties.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
shape = builder.insert_shape(shape_type=aw.drawing.ShapeType.RECTANGLE, horz_pos=aw.drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.LEFT_MARGIN, left=100, vert_pos=aw.drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.TOP_MARGIN, top=100, width=200, height=200, wrap_type=aw.drawing.WrapType.NONE)
# Basic shapes, such as the rectangle, have two visible parts.
# 1 -  The fill, which applies to the area within the outline of the shape:
shape.fill.fore_color = aspose.pydrawing.Color.white
# 2 -  The stroke, which marks the outline of the shape:
# Modify various properties of this shape's stroke.
stroke = shape.stroke
stroke.on = True
stroke.weight = 5
stroke.color =
stroke.dash_style = aw.drawing.DashStyle.SHORT_DASH_DOT_DOT
stroke.join_style = aw.drawing.JoinStyle.MITER
stroke.end_cap = aw.drawing.EndCap.SQUARE
stroke.line_style = aw.drawing.ShapeLineStyle.TRIPLE
stroke.fill.two_color_gradient(,, style=aw.drawing.GradientStyle.VERTICAL, variant=aw.drawing.GradientVariant.VARIANT1) + 'Shape.Stroke.docx')

See Also