format_address_on_country_or_region property

FieldAddressBlock.format_address_on_country_or_region property

Gets or sets whether to format the address according to the country/region of the recipient as defined by POST*CODE (Universal Postal Union 2006).

def format_address_on_country_or_region(self) -> bool:

def format_address_on_country_or_region(self, value: bool):


Shows how to insert an ADDRESSBLOCK field.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_ADDRESS_BLOCK, True).as_field_address_block()
self.assertEqual(' ADDRESSBLOCK ', field.get_field_code())
# Setting this to "2" will include all countries and regions,
# unless it is the one specified in the "excluded_country_or_region_name" property.
field.include_country_or_region_name = '2'
field.format_address_on_country_or_region = True
field.excluded_country_or_region_name = 'United States'
field.name_and_address_format = '<Title> <Forename> <Surname> <Address Line 1> <Region> <Postcode> <Country>'
# By default, this property will contain the language ID of the first character of the document.
# We can set a different culture for the field to format the result with like this.
field.language_id = '1033'  # en-US
self.assertEqual(' ADDRESSBLOCK  \\c 2 \\d \\e "United States" \\f "<Title> <Forename> <Surname> <Address Line 1> <Region> <Postcode> <Country>" \\l 1033', field.get_field_code())

See Also