display_text property

FieldGoToButton.display_text property

Gets or sets the text of the “button” that appears in the document, such that it can be selected to activate the jump.

def display_text(self) -> str:

def display_text(self, value: str):


Shows to insert a GOTOBUTTON field.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Add a GOTOBUTTON field. When we double-click this field in Microsoft Word,
# it will take the text cursor to the bookmark whose name the Location property references.
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_GO_TO_BUTTON, True).as_field_go_to_button()
field.display_text = 'My Button'
field.location = 'MyBookmark'
self.assertEqual(' GOTOBUTTON  MyBookmark My Button', field.get_field_code())
# Insert a valid bookmark for the field to reference.
builder.writeln('Bookmark text contents.')
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Field.field_go_to_button.docx')

See Also