search_from_bottom property

FieldStyleRef.search_from_bottom property

Gets or sets whether to search from the bottom of the current page, rather from the top.

def search_from_bottom(self) -> bool:

def search_from_bottom(self, value: bool):


Shows how to use STYLEREF fields.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

# Create a list based using a Microsoft Word list template.
list = doc.lists.add(aw.lists.ListTemplate.NUMBER_DEFAULT)

# This generated list will display "1.a )".
# Space before the bracket is a non-delimiter character, which we can suppress.
list.list_levels[0].number_format = "\x0000."
list.list_levels[1].number_format = "\x0001 )"

# Add text and apply paragraph styles that STYLEREF fields will reference.
builder.list_format.list = list
builder.list_format.list_indent() = doc.styles.get_by_name("List Paragraph")
builder.writeln("Item 1") = doc.styles.get_by_name("Quote")
builder.writeln("Item 2") = doc.styles.get_by_name("List Paragraph")
builder.writeln("Item 3")
builder.list_format.remove_numbers() = doc.styles.get_by_name("Normal")

# Place a STYLEREF field in the header and display the first "List Paragraph"-styled text in the document.
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_STYLE_REF, True).as_field_style_ref()
field.style_name = "List Paragraph"

# Place a STYLEREF field in the footer, and have it display the last text.
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_STYLE_REF, True).as_field_style_ref()
field.style_name = "List Paragraph"
field.search_from_bottom = True


# We can also use STYLEREF fields to reference the list numbers of lists.
builder.write("\nParagraph number: ")
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_STYLE_REF, True).as_field_style_ref()
field.style_name = "Quote"
field.insert_paragraph_number = True

builder.write("\nParagraph number, relative context: ")
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_STYLE_REF, True).as_field_style_ref()
field.style_name = "Quote"
field.insert_paragraph_number_in_relative_context = True

builder.write("\nParagraph number, full context: ")
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_STYLE_REF, True).as_field_style_ref()
field.style_name = "Quote"
field.insert_paragraph_number_in_full_context = True

builder.write("\nParagraph number, full context, non-delimiter chars suppressed: ")
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_STYLE_REF, True).as_field_style_ref()
field.style_name = "Quote"
field.insert_paragraph_number_in_full_context = True
field.suppress_non_delimiters = True

doc.update_fields() + "Field.field_style_ref_paragraph_numbers.docx")

See Also