save_subset_fonts property
FontInfoCollection.save_subset_fonts property
Specifies whether or not to save a subset of the embedded TrueType fonts with the document.
Default value for this property is False
This option works only when FontInfoCollection.embed_true_type_fonts property is set to True
def save_subset_fonts(self) -> bool:
def save_subset_fonts(self, value: bool):
This option works for DOC, DOCX and RTF formats only.
Shows how to save a document with embedded TrueType fonts.
doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Document.docx')
font_infos = doc.font_infos
font_infos.embed_true_type_fonts = embed_all_fonts
font_infos.embed_system_fonts = embed_all_fonts
font_infos.save_subset_fonts = embed_all_fonts + 'Font.FontInfoCollection.docx')
See Also
- module aspose.words.fonts
- class FontInfoCollection