list_id property

List.list_id property

Gets the unique identifier of the list.

def list_id(self) -> int:


You do not normally need to use this property. But if you use it, you normally do so in conjunction with the ListCollection.get_list_by_list_id() method to find a list by its identifier.


Shows how to output all paragraphs in a document that are list items.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
builder.writeln('Numbered list item 1')
builder.writeln('Numbered list item 2')
builder.writeln('Numbered list item 3')
builder.writeln('Bulleted list item 1')
builder.writeln('Bulleted list item 2')
builder.writeln('Bulleted list item 3')
paras = doc.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.PARAGRAPH, True)
for para in paras:
    para = para.as_paragraph()
    if para.list_format.is_list_item:
        print(f'This paragraph belongs to list ID# {para.list_format.list.list_id}, number style "{para.list_format.list_level.number_style}"')

Shows how to verify owner document properties of lists.

doc = aw.Document()
lists = doc.lists
self.assertEqual(doc, lists.document)
list = lists.add(aw.lists.ListTemplate.BULLET_DEFAULT)
self.assertEqual(doc, list.document)
print('Current list count:', lists.count)
print('Is the first document list:', lists[0] is list)
print('List id:', list.list_id)
print('List is the same by list_id:', lists.get_list_by_list_id(1) is list)

See Also