HtmlLoadOptions constructor


Initializes a new instance of this class with default values.

def __init__(self):


A shortcut to initialize a new instance of this class with the specified password to load an encrypted document.

def __init__(self, password: str):
passwordstrThe password to open an encrypted document. Can be None or empty string.

HtmlLoadOptions(load_format, password, base_uri)

A shortcut to initialize a new instance of this class with properties set to the specified values.

def __init__(self, load_format: aspose.words.LoadFormat, password: str, base_uri: str):
load_formatLoadFormatThe format of the document to be loaded.
passwordstrThe password to open an encrypted document. Can be None or empty string.
base_uristrThe string that will be used to resolve relative URIs to absolute. Can be None or empty string.


Shows how to support conditional comments while loading an HTML document.

load_options = aw.loading.HtmlLoadOptions()
# If the value is True, then we take VML code into account while parsing the loaded document.
load_options.support_vml = support_vml
# This document contains a JPEG image within "<!--[if gte vml 1]>" tags,
# and a different PNG image within "<![if !vml]>" tags.
# If we set the "support_vml" flag to "True", then Aspose.Words will load the JPEG.
# If we set this flag to "False", then Aspose.Words will only load the PNG.
doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'VML conditional.htm', load_options)
if support_vml:
    self.assertEqual(aw.drawing.ImageType.JPEG, doc.get_child(aw.NodeType.SHAPE, 0, True).as_shape().image_data.image_type)
    self.assertEqual(aw.drawing.ImageType.PNG, doc.get_child(aw.NodeType.SHAPE, 0, True).as_shape().image_data.image_type)

Shows how to encrypt an Html document, and then open it using a password.

# Create and sign an encrypted HTML document from an encrypted .docx.
certificate_holder = aw.digitalsignatures.CertificateHolder.create(MY_DIR + 'morzal.pfx', 'aw')
sign_options = aw.digitalsignatures.SignOptions()
sign_options.comments = 'Comment'
sign_options.sign_time =
sign_options.decryption_password = 'docPassword'
input_file_name = MY_DIR + 'Encrypted.docx'
output_file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'HtmlLoadOptions.encrypted_html.html'
aw.digitalsignatures.DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(input_file_name, output_file_name, certificate_holder, sign_options)
# To load and read this document, we will need to pass its decryption
# password using a HtmlLoadOptions object.
load_options = aw.loading.HtmlLoadOptions('docPassword')
self.assertEqual(sign_options.decryption_password, load_options.password)
doc = aw.Document(output_file_name, load_options)
self.assertEqual('Test encrypted document.', doc.get_text().strip())

Shows how to specify a base URI when opening an html document.

# Suppose we want to load an .html document that contains an image linked by a relative URI
# while the image is in a different location. In that case, we will need to resolve the relative URI into an absolute one.
# We can provide a base URI using an HtmlLoadOptions object.
load_options = aw.loading.HtmlLoadOptions(aw.LoadFormat.HTML, '', IMAGE_DIR)
self.assertEqual(aw.LoadFormat.HTML, load_options.load_format)
doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'Missing image.html', load_options)
# While the image was broken in the input .html, our custom base URI helped us repair the link.
image_shape = doc.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.SHAPE, True)[0].as_shape()
# This output document will display the image that was missing. + 'HtmlLoadOptions.base_uri.docx')

See Also