preferred_control_type property

HtmlLoadOptions.preferred_control_type property

Gets or sets preferred type of document nodes that will represent imported <input> and <select> elements. Default value is HtmlControlType.FORM_FIELD.

def preferred_control_type(self) -> aspose.words.loading.HtmlControlType:

def preferred_control_type(self, value: aspose.words.loading.HtmlControlType):


Please note that setting this property does not guarantee that all imported controls will be of the specified type. If an HTML control is not representable with document nodes of the preferred type, Aspose.Words will use a compatible HtmlControlType for that control.


Shows how to set preferred type of document nodes that will represent imported <input> and <select> elements.

html = "\n            <html>\n                <select name='ComboBox' size='1'>\n                    <option value='val1'>item1</option>\n                    <option value='val2'></option>\n                </select>\n            </html>"
html_load_options = aw.loading.HtmlLoadOptions()
html_load_options.preferred_control_type = aw.loading.HtmlControlType.STRUCTURED_DOCUMENT_TAG
doc = aw.Document(io.BytesIO(html.encode('utf-8')), html_load_options)
nodes = doc.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.STRUCTURED_DOCUMENT_TAG, True)
tag = nodes[0].as_structured_document_tag()

See Also