Converter class

Converter class

Represents a group of methods intended to convert a variety of different types of documents.


The specified input and output files or streams, along with the desired save format, are used to convert the given input document of the one format into the output document of the other specified format.

The convert functionality supports over 35 different file formats.


convert(input_file, output_file)Convert the given input document into the output document using specified input output file names and its extensions.
convert(input_file, output_file, save_format)Convert the given input document into the output document using specified input output file names and the final document format.
convert(input_file, output_file, save_options)Convert the given input document into the output document using specified input output file names and save options.
convert(input_stream, output_stream, save_format)Convert the given input document into a single output document using specified input and output streams.
convert(input_stream, output_stream, save_options)Convert the given input document into a single output document using specified input and output streams.
convert_to_images(input_file, output_file)Convert the input file pages to images.
convert_to_images(input_file, output_file, save_format)Convert the input file pages to images.
convert_to_images(input_file, output_file, save_options)Convert the input file pages to images.
convert_to_images(input_file, save_format)Convert the input file pages to images.
convert_to_images(input_file, save_options)Convert the input file pages to images.
convert_to_images(input_stream, save_format)Convert the input stream pages to images.
convert_to_images(input_stream, save_options)Convert the input stream pages to images.
convert_to_images(doc, save_format)Convert the document pages to images.
convert_to_images(doc, save_options)Convert the document pages to images.

See Also