cleanup_paragraphs_with_punctuation_marks property

MailMerge.cleanup_paragraphs_with_punctuation_marks property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether paragraphs with punctuation marks are considered as empty and should be removed if the MailMergeCleanupOptions.REMOVE_EMPTY_PARAGRAPHS option is specified.

def cleanup_paragraphs_with_punctuation_marks(self) -> bool:

def cleanup_paragraphs_with_punctuation_marks(self, value: bool):


The default value is True.

Here is the complete list of cleanable punctuation marks:

  • !

  • ,

  • .

  • :

  • ;

  • ?

  • ¡

  • ¿


Shows how to remove paragraphs with punctuation marks after a mail merge operation.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

merge_field_option1 = builder.insert_field("MERGEFIELD", "Option_1").as_field_merge_field()
merge_field_option1.field_name = "Option_1"


merge_field_option2 = builder.insert_field("MERGEFIELD", "Option_2").as_field_merge_field()
merge_field_option2.field_name = "Option_2"

# Configure the "cleanup_options" property to remove any empty paragraphs that this mail merge would create.
doc.mail_merge.cleanup_options = aw.mailmerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.REMOVE_EMPTY_PARAGRAPHS

# Setting the "cleanup_paragraphs_with_punctuation_marks" property to "True" will also count paragraphs
# with punctuation marks as empty and will get the mail merge operation to remove them as well.
# Setting the "cleanup_paragraphs_with_punctuation_marks" property to "False"
# will remove empty paragraphs, but not ones with punctuation marks.
# This is a list of punctuation marks that this property concerns: "!", ",", ".", ":", ";", "?", "¡", "¿".
doc.mail_merge.cleanup_paragraphs_with_punctuation_marks = cleanup_paragraphs_with_punctuation_marks

doc.mail_merge.execute(["Option_1", "Option_2"], [None, None]) + "MailMerge.remove_colon_between_empty_merge_fields.docx")

See Also