building_block_gallery property

Specifies type of building block for this SDT. Can not be None.

def building_block_gallery(self) -> str:

def building_block_gallery(self, value: str):


Accessing this property will only work for SdtType.BUILDING_BLOCK_GALLERY and SdtType.DOC_PART_OBJ SDT types. It is read-only for SDT of the document part type.

For all other SDT types exception will occur.


Shows how to insert a structured document tag as a building block, and set its category and gallery.

doc = aw.Document()

building_block_sdt = aw.markup.StructuredDocumentTag(doc, aw.markup.SdtType.BUILDING_BLOCK_GALLERY, aw.markup.MarkupLevel.BLOCK)
building_block_sdt.building_block_category = "Built-in"
building_block_sdt.building_block_gallery = "Table of Contents"

doc.first_section.body.append_child(building_block_sdt) + "StructuredDocumentTag.BuildingBlockCategories.docx")

See Also