lock_content_control property

StructuredDocumentTag.lock_content_control property

When set to True, this property will prohibit a user from deleting this SDT.

def lock_content_control(self) -> bool:

def lock_content_control(self, value: bool):


Shows how to apply editing restrictions to structured document tags.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

# Insert a plain text structured document tag, which acts as a text box that prompts the user to fill it in.
tag = aw.markup.StructuredDocumentTag(doc, aw.markup.SdtType.PLAIN_TEXT, aw.markup.MarkupLevel.INLINE)

# Set the "lock_contents" property to "True" to prohibit the user from editing this text box's contents.
tag.lock_contents = True
builder.write("The contents of this structured document tag cannot be edited: ")

tag = aw.markup.StructuredDocumentTag(doc, aw.markup.SdtType.PLAIN_TEXT, aw.markup.MarkupLevel.INLINE)

# Set the "lock_content_control" property to "True" to prohibit the user from
# deleting this structured document tag manually in Microsoft Word.
tag.lock_content_control = True

builder.write("This structured document tag cannot be deleted but its contents can be edited: ")

doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + "StructuredDocumentTag.lock.docx")

See Also