xml_mapping property

StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.xml_mapping property

Gets an object that represents the mapping of this structured document tag range to XML data in a custom XML part of the current document.

def xml_mapping(self) -> aspose.words.markup.XmlMapping:


You can use the XmlMapping.set_mapping() method of this object to map a structured document tag range to XML data.


Shows how to set XML mappings for the range start of a structured document tag.

doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + "Multi-section structured document tags.docx")

# Construct an XML part that contains text and add it to the document's CustomXmlPart collection.
xml_part_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
xml_part_content = "<root><text>Text element #1</text><text>Text element #2</text></root>"
xml_part = doc.custom_xml_parts.add(xml_part_id, xml_part_content)

self.assertEqual("<root><text>Text element #1</text><text>Text element #2</text></root>", xml_part.data.decode('utf-8'))

# Create a structured document tag that will display the contents of our CustomXmlPart in the document.
sdt_range_start = doc.get_child(aw.NodeType.STRUCTURED_DOCUMENT_TAG_RANGE_START, 0, True).as_structured_document_tag_range_start()

# If we set a mapping for our structured document tag,
# it will only display a portion of the CustomXmlPart that the XPath points to.
# This XPath will point to the contents second "<text>" element of the first "<root>" element of our CustomXmlPart.
sdt_range_start.xml_mapping.set_mapping(xml_part, "/root[1]/text[2]", None)

doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + "StructuredDocumentTag.structured_document_tag_range_start_xml_mapping.docx")

See Also