justification property

OfficeMath.justification property

Gets/sets Office Math justification.

def justification(self) -> aspose.words.math.OfficeMathJustification:

def justification(self, value: aspose.words.math.OfficeMathJustification):


Justification cannot be set to the Office Math with display format type OfficeMathDisplayType.INLINE.

Inline justification cannot be set to the Office Math with display format type OfficeMathDisplayType.DISPLAY.

Corresponding OfficeMath.display_type has to be set before setting Office Math justification.


Shows how to set office math display formatting.

doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'Office math.docx')
office_math = doc.get_child(aw.NodeType.OFFICE_MATH, 0, True).as_office_math()
# OfficeMath nodes that are children of other OfficeMath nodes are always inline.
# The node we are working with is the base node to change its location and display type.
self.assertEqual(aw.math.MathObjectType.O_MATH_PARA, office_math.math_object_type)
self.assertEqual(aw.NodeType.OFFICE_MATH, office_math.node_type)
self.assertEqual(office_math.parent_node, office_math.parent_paragraph)
# Change the location and display type of the OfficeMath node.
office_math.display_type = aw.math.OfficeMathDisplayType.DISPLAY
office_math.justification = aw.math.OfficeMathJustification.LEFT
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Shape.office_math.docx')

See Also