characters_with_spaces property

BuiltInDocumentProperties.characters_with_spaces property

Represents an estimate of the number of characters (including spaces) in the document.

def characters_with_spaces(self) -> int:

def characters_with_spaces(self, value: int):


Aspose.Words updates this property when you call Document.update_word_count().


Shows how to work with document properties in the “Content” category.

def test_content(self):

    doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + "Paragraphs.docx")
    properties = doc.built_in_document_properties

    # By using built in properties,
    # we can treat document statistics such as word/page/character counts as metadata that can be glanced at without opening the document
    # These properties are accessed by right clicking the file in Windows Explorer and navigating to Properties > Details > Content
    # If we want to display this data inside the document, we can use fields such as NUMPAGES, NUMWORDS, NUMCHARS etc.
    # Also, these values can also be viewed in Microsoft Word by navigating File > Properties > Advanced Properties > Statistics
    # Page count: The page_count property shows the page count in real time and its value can be assigned to the Pages property

    # The "pages" property stores the page count of the document.
    self.assertEqual(6, properties.pages)

    # The "words", "characters", and "characters_with_spaces" built-in properties also display various document statistics,
    # but we need to call the "update_word_count" method on the whole document before we can expect them to contain accurate values.

    self.assertEqual(1035, properties.words)
    self.assertEqual(6026, properties.characters)
    self.assertEqual(7041, properties.characters_with_spaces)

    # Count the number of lines in the document, and then assign the result to the "Lines" built-in property.
    line_counter = ExDocumentProperties.LineCounter(doc)
    properties.lines = line_counter.get_line_count()

    self.assertEqual(142, properties.lines)

    # Assign the number of Paragraph nodes in the document to the "paragraphs" built-in property.
    properties.paragraphs = doc.get_child_nodes(aw.NodeType.PARAGRAPH, True).count
    self.assertEqual(29, properties.paragraphs)

    # Get an estimate of the file size of our document via the "bytes" built-in property.
    self.assertEqual(20310, properties.bytes)

    # Set a different template for our document, and then update the "template" built-in property manually to reflect this change.
    doc.attached_template = MY_DIR + "Business brochure.dotx"

    self.assertEqual("Normal", properties.template)

    properties.template = doc.attached_template

    # "content_status" is a descriptive built-in property.
    properties.content_status = "Draft"

    # Upon saving, the "content_type" built-in property will contain the MIME type of the output save format.
    self.assertEqual("", properties.content_type)

    # If the document contains links, and they are all up to date, we can set the "links_up_to_date" property to "True".
    self.assertFalse(properties.links_up_to_date) + "DocumentProperties.content.docx")

class LineCounter:
    """Counts the lines in a document.
    Traverses the document's layout entities tree upon construction,
    counting entities of the "Line" type that also contain real text."""

    def __init__(self, doc: aw.Document):

        self.layout_enumerator = aw.layout.LayoutEnumerator(doc)
        self.line_count = 0
        self.scanning_line_for_real_text = False


    def get_line_count(self) -> int:

        return self.line_count

    def count_lines(self) -> int:

        while True:
            if self.layout_enumerator.type == aw.layout.LayoutEntityType.LINE:
                self.scanning_line_for_real_text = True

            if self.layout_enumerator.move_first_child():
                if self.scanning_line_for_real_text and self.layout_enumerator.kind.startswith("TEXT"):
                    self.line_count += 1
                    self.scanning_line_for_real_text = False


            if not self.layout_enumerator.move_next():

See Also