add method

add(name, value)

Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.STRING data type.

def add(self, name: str, value: str):
namestrThe name of the property.
valuestrThe value of the property.


The newly created property object.

add(name, value)

Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.NUMBER data type.

def add(self, name: str, value: int):
namestrThe name of the property.
valueintThe value of the property.


The newly created property object.

add(name, value)

Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.DATE_TIME data type.

def add(self, name: str, value: datetime.datetime):
namestrThe name of the property.
valuedatetime.datetimeThe value of the property.


The newly created property object.

add(name, value)

Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.BOOLEAN data type.

def add(self, name: str, value: bool):
namestrThe name of the property.
valueboolThe value of the property.


The newly created property object.

add(name, value)

Creates a new custom document property of the PropertyType.DOUBLE data type.

def add(self, name: str, value: float):
namestrThe name of the property.
valuefloatThe value of the property.


The newly created property object.


Shows how to work with a document’s custom properties.

doc = aw.Document()
properties = doc.custom_document_properties

self.assertEqual(0, properties.count)

# Custom document properties are key-value pairs that we can add to the document.
properties.add("Authorized", True)
properties.add("Authorized By", "John Doe")
properties.add("Authorized Date",
properties.add("Authorized Revision", doc.built_in_document_properties.revision_number)
properties.add("Authorized Amount", 123.45)

# The collection sorts the custom properties in alphabetic order.
self.assertEqual(1, properties.index_of("Authorized Amount"))
self.assertEqual(5, properties.count)

# Print every custom property in the document.
for prop in properties:
    print(f"Name: \"{}\"\n\tType: \"{prop.type}\"\n\tValue: \"{prop.value}\"")

# Display the value of a custom property using a DOCPROPERTY field.
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
field = builder.insert_field(" DOCPROPERTY \"Authorized By\"").as_field_doc_property()

self.assertEqual("John Doe", field.result)

# We can find these custom properties in Microsoft Word via "File" -> "Properties" > "Advanced Properties" > "Custom". + "DocumentProperties.document_property_collection.docx")

# Below are three ways or removing custom properties from a document.
# 1 -  Remove by index:

self.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Amount"))
self.assertEqual(4, properties.count)

# 2 -  Remove by name:
properties.remove("Authorized Revision")

self.assertFalse(properties.contains("Authorized Revision"))
self.assertEqual(3, properties.count)

# 3 -  Empty the entire collection at once:

self.assertEqual(0, properties.count)

Shows how to create a custom document property which contains a date and time.

doc = aw.Document()

doc.custom_document_properties.add("AuthorizationDate", datetime.utcnow())

print("Document authorized on", doc.custom_document_properties.get_by_name("AuthorizationDate").to_date_time())

See Also