ExportHeadersFootersMode enumeration

ExportHeadersFootersMode enumeration

Specifies how headers and footers are exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.


NONEHeaders and footers are not exported.
PER_SECTIONPrimary headers and footers are exported at the beginning and the end of each section.
FIRST_SECTION_HEADER_LAST_SECTION_FOOTERPrimary header of the first section is exported at the beginning of the document and primary footer is at the end.
FIRST_PAGE_HEADER_FOOTER_PER_SECTIONFirst page header and footer are exported at the beginning and the end of each section.


Shows how to omit headers/footers when saving a document to HTML.

doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + "Header and footer types.docx")

# This document contains headers and footers. We can access them via the "headers_footers" collection.
self.assertEqual("First header", doc.first_section.headers_footers[aw.HeaderFooterType.HEADER_FIRST].get_text().strip())

# Formats such as .html do not split the document into pages, so headers/footers will not function the same way
# they would when we open the document as a .docx using Microsoft Word.
# If we convert a document with headers/footers to html, the conversion will assimilate the headers/footers into body text.
# We can use a SaveOptions object to omit headers/footers while converting to html.
save_options = aw.saving.HtmlSaveOptions(aw.SaveFormat.HTML)
save_options.export_headers_footers_mode = aw.saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.NONE

doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + "HeaderFooter.export_mode.html", save_options)

# Open our saved document and verify that it does not contain the header's text
doc = aw.Document(ARTIFACTS_DIR + "HeaderFooter.export_mode.html")

self.assertNotIn("First header", doc.range.text)

See Also