export_font_resources property

HtmlSaveOptions.export_font_resources property

Specifies whether font resources should be exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB. Default is False.

def export_font_resources(self) -> bool:

def export_font_resources(self, value: bool):


Exporting font resources allows for consistent document rendering independent of the fonts available in a given user’s environment.

If HtmlSaveOptions.export_font_resources is set to True, main HTML document will refer to every font via the CSS 3 @font-face at-rule and fonts will be output as separate files. When exporting to IDPF EPUB or MHTML formats, fonts will be embedded into the corresponding package along with other subsidiary files.

If HtmlSaveOptions.export_fonts_as_base64 is set to True, fonts will not be saved to separate files. Instead, they will be embedded into @font-face at-rules in Base64 encoding.

Important! When exporting font resources, font licensing issues should be considered. Authors who want to use specific fonts via a downloadable font mechanism must always carefully verify that their intended use is within the scope of the font license. Many commercial fonts presently do not allow web downloading of their fonts in any form. License agreements that cover some fonts specifically note that usage via @font-face rules in CSS style sheets is not allowed. Font subsetting can also violate license terms.

See Also