export_original_url_for_linked_images property

HtmlSaveOptions.export_original_url_for_linked_images property

Specifies whether original URL should be used as the URL of the linked images. Default value is False.

def export_original_url_for_linked_images(self) -> bool:

def export_original_url_for_linked_images(self, value: bool):


If value is set to True ImageData.source_full_name value is used as the URL of linked images and linked images are not loaded into document’s folder or HtmlSaveOptions.images_folder.

If value is set to False linked images are loaded into document’s folder or HtmlSaveOptions.images_folder and URL of each linked image is constructed depending on document’s folder, HtmlSaveOptions.images_folder and HtmlSaveOptions.images_folder_alias properties.


Shows how to set folders and folder aliases for externally saved resources that Aspose.Words will create when saving a document to HTML.

doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Rendering.docx')
options = aw.saving.HtmlSaveOptions()
options.css_style_sheet_type = aw.saving.CssStyleSheetType.EXTERNAL
options.export_font_resources = True
options.image_resolution = 72
options.font_resources_subsetting_size_threshold = 0
options.fonts_folder = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Fonts'
options.images_folder = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Images'
options.resource_folder = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Resources'
options.fonts_folder_alias = 'http://example.com/fonts'
options.images_folder_alias = 'http://example.com/images'
options.resource_folder_alias = 'http://example.com/resources'
options.export_original_url_for_linked_images = True
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'HtmlSaveOptions.FolderAlias.html', save_options=options)

See Also