PdfDigitalSignatureDetails class

PdfDigitalSignatureDetails class

Contains details for signing a PDF document with a digital signature.


At the moment digitally signing PDF documents is only available on .NET 3.5 or higher.

To digitally sign a PDF document when it is created by Aspose.Words, set the PdfSaveOptions.digital_signature_details property to a valid PdfDigitalSignatureDetails object and then save the document in the PDF format passing the PdfSaveOptions as a parameter into the Document.save() method.

Aspose.Words creates a PKCS#7 signature over the whole PDF document and uses the “Adobe.PPKMS” filter and “adbe.pkcs7.sha1” subfilter when creating a digital signature.


PdfDigitalSignatureDetails()Initializes an instance of this class.
PdfDigitalSignatureDetails(certificate_holder, reason, location, signature_date)Initializes an instance of this class.


certificate_holderReturns the certificate holder object that contains the certificate was used to sign the document.
hash_algorithmGets or sets the hash algorithm.
locationGets or sets the location of the signing.
reasonGets or sets the reason for the signing.
signature_dateGets or sets the date of the signing.
timestamp_settingsGets or sets the digital signature timestamp settings.


Shows how to sign a generated PDF document.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
builder.writeln("Contents of signed PDF.")

certificate_holder = aw.digitalsignatures.CertificateHolder.create(MY_DIR + "morzal.pfx", "aw")

# Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "save" method
# to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
options = aw.saving.PdfSaveOptions()

# Configure the "digital_signature_details" object of the "SaveOptions" object to
# digitally sign the document as we render it with the "save" method.
signing_time = datetime.now()
import aspose.words.saving as aws
options.digital_signature_details = aw.saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails(certificate_holder, "Test Signing", "My Office", signing_time)
options.digital_signature_details.hash_algorithm = aw.saving.PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithm.RIPE_MD160

self.assertEqual("Test Signing", options.digital_signature_details.reason)
self.assertEqual("My Office", options.digital_signature_details.location)
self.assertEqual(signing_time.astimezone(timezone.utc), options.digital_signature_details.signature_date)

doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PdfSaveOptions.pdf_digital_signature.pdf", options)

See Also