MailMergeDestination enumeration

MailMergeDestination enumeration

Specifies the possible results which may be generated when a mail merge is carried out on a document.


NEW_DOCUMENTSpecifies that conforming hosting applications shall generate new documents by populating the fields within a given document with data from the specified external data source.
PRINTERSpecifies that conforming hosting applications shall print the documents that result from populating the fields within a given document with external data from the specified external data source.
EMAILSpecifies that conforming hosting applications shall generate emails using the documents that result from populating the fields within a given document with data from the specified external data source.
FAXSpecifies that conforming hosting applications shall generate faxes using the documents that result from populating the fields within a given document with data from the specified external data source.
DEFAULTEquals to the MailMergeDestination.NEW_DOCUMENT value.

See Also