CellMerge enumeration

CellMerge enumeration

Specifies how a cell in a table is merged with other cells.


NONEThe cell is not merged.
FIRSTThe cell is the first cell in a range of merged cells.
PREVIOUSThe cell is merged to the previous cell horizontally or vertically.


Shows how to merge table cells vertically.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
# Insert a cell into the first column of the first row.
# This cell will be the first in a range of vertically merged cells.
builder.cell_format.vertical_merge = aw.tables.CellMerge.FIRST
builder.write('Text in merged cells.')
# Insert a cell into the second column of the first row, then end the row.
# Also, configure the builder to disable vertical merging in created cells.
builder.cell_format.vertical_merge = aw.tables.CellMerge.NONE
builder.write('Text in unmerged cell.')
# Insert a cell into the first column of the second row.
# Instead of adding text contents, we will merge this cell with the first cell that we added directly above.
builder.cell_format.vertical_merge = aw.tables.CellMerge.PREVIOUS
# Insert another independent cell in the second column of the second row.
builder.cell_format.vertical_merge = aw.tables.CellMerge.NONE
builder.write('Text in unmerged cell.')
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'CellFormat.VerticalMerge.docx')

Shows how to merge table cells horizontally.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
# Insert a cell into the first column of the first row.
# This cell will be the first in a range of horizontally merged cells.
builder.cell_format.horizontal_merge = aw.tables.CellMerge.FIRST
builder.write('Text in merged cells.')
# Insert a cell into the second column of the first row. Instead of adding text contents,
# we will merge this cell with the first cell that we added directly to the left.
builder.cell_format.horizontal_merge = aw.tables.CellMerge.PREVIOUS
# Insert two more unmerged cells to the second row.
builder.cell_format.horizontal_merge = aw.tables.CellMerge.NONE
builder.write('Text in unmerged cell.')
builder.write('Text in unmerged cell.')
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'CellFormat.HorizontalMerge.docx')

Prints the horizontal and vertical merge type of a cell.

def check_cells_merged():
    doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + 'Table with merged cells.docx')
    table = doc.first_section.body.tables[0]
    for row in table.rows:
        row = row.as_row()
        for cell in row.cells:
            cell = cell.as_cell()

def print_cell_merge_type(cell: aw.tables.Cell) -> str:
    is_horizontally_merged = cell.cell_format.horizontal_merge != aw.tables.CellMerge.NONE
    is_vertically_merged = cell.cell_format.vertical_merge != aw.tables.CellMerge.NONE
    cell_location = f'R{cell.parent_row.parent_table.index_of(cell.parent_row) + 1}, C{cell.parent_row.index_of(cell) + 1}'
    if is_horizontally_merged and is_vertically_merged:
        return f'The cell at {cell_location} is both horizontally and vertically merged'
    if is_horizontally_merged:
        return f'The cell at {cell_location} is horizontally merged.'
    if is_vertically_merged:
        return f'The cell at {cell_location} is vertically merged'
    return f'The cell at {cell_location} is not merged'

See Also