PreferredWidth class

PreferredWidth class

Represents a value and its unit of measure that is used to specify the preferred width of a table or a cell. To learn more, visit the Working with Tables documentation article.


Preferred width can be specified as a percentage, number of points or a special “none/auto” value.

The instances of this class are immutable.


AUTOReturns an instance that represents the “preferred width is not specified” value.
typeGets the unit of measure used for this preferred width value.
valueGets the preferred width value. The unit of measure is specified in the PreferredWidth.type property.


equals(other)Determines whether the specified PreferredWidth is equal in value to the current PreferredWidth.
from_percent(percent)A creation method that returns a new instance that represents a preferred width specified as a percentage.
from_points(points)A creation method that returns a new instance that represents a preferred width specified using a number of points.


Shows how to set a table to auto fit to 50% of the width of the page.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

table = builder.start_table()
builder.write("Cell #1")
builder.write("Cell #2")
builder.write("Cell #3")

table.preferred_width = aw.tables.PreferredWidth.from_percent(50) + "DocumentBuilder.insert_table_with_preferred_width.docx")

Shows how to set a preferred width for table cells.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
table = builder.start_table()

# There are two ways of applying the "PreferredWidth" class to table cells.
# 1 -  Set an absolute preferred width based on points:
builder.cell_format.preferred_width = aw.tables.PreferredWidth.from_points(40)
builder.cell_format.shading.background_pattern_color = drawing.Color.light_yellow
builder.writeln(f"Cell with a width of {builder.cell_format.preferred_width}.")

# 2 -  Set a relative preferred width based on percent of the table's width:
builder.cell_format.preferred_width = aw.tables.PreferredWidth.from_percent(20)
builder.cell_format.shading.background_pattern_color = drawing.Color.light_blue
builder.writeln(f"Cell with a width of {builder.cell_format.preferred_width}.")


# A cell with no preferred width specified will take up the rest of the available space.
builder.cell_format.preferred_width = aw.tables.PreferredWidth.AUTO

# Each configuration of the "preferred_width" property creates a new object.
self.assertTrue(table.first_row.cells[1].cell_format.preferred_width is not builder.cell_format.preferred_width)

builder.cell_format.shading.background_pattern_color = drawing.Color.light_green
builder.writeln("Automatically sized cell.") + "DocumentBuilder.insert_cells_with_preferred_widths.docx")

See Also