get_text method


Gets the text of all cells in this row including the end of row character.

def get_text(self):


Returns concatenated text of all child nodes with the end of row character ControlChar.CELL appended at the end.

The returned string includes all control and special characters as described in ControlChar.


Shows how to print the node structure of every table in a document.

def test_table_to_text(self):

    doc = aw.Document(MY_DIR + "DocumentVisitor-compatible features.docx")
    visitor = ExDocumentVisitor.TableStructurePrinter()

    # When we get a composite node to accept a document visitor, the visitor visits the accepting node,
    # and then traverses all the node's children in a depth-first manner.
    # The visitor can read and modify each visited node.


class TableStructurePrinter(aw.DocumentVisitor):
    """Traverses a node's non-binary tree of child nodes.
    Creates a map in the form of a string of all encountered Table nodes and their children."""

    def __init__(self):


        self.visited_tables = io.StringIO()
        self.visitor_is_inside_table = False
        self.doc_traversal_depth = 0

    def get_text(self):

        return self.visited_tables.getvalue()

    def visit_run(self, run: aw.Run) -> aw.VisitorAction:
        """Called when a Run node is encountered in the document.
        Runs that are not within tables are not recorded."""

        if self.visitor_is_inside_table:
            self._indent_and_append_line("[Run] \"" + run.get_text() + "\"")

        return aw.VisitorAction.CONTINUE

    def visit_table_start(self, table: aw.Table) -> aw.VisitorAction:
        """Called when a Table is encountered in the document."""

        rows = 0
        columns = 0

        if table.rows.count > 0:
            rows = table.rows.count
            columns = table.first_row.count

        self._indent_and_append_line("[Table start] Size: " + rows + "x" + columns)
        self.doc_traversal_depth += 1
        self.visitor_is_inside_table = True

        return aw.VisitorAction.CONTINUE

    def visit_table_end(self, table: aw.Table) -> aw.VisitorAction:
        """Called after all the child nodes of a Table node have been visited."""

        self.doc_traversal_depth -= 1
        self._indent_and_append_line("[Table end]")
        self.visitor_is_inside_table = False

        return aw.VisitorAction.CONTINUE

    def visit_row_start(self, row: aw.Row) -> aw.VisitorAction:
        """Called when a Row node is encountered in the document."""

        row_contents = row.get_text().rstrip("\u0007 ").replace("\u0007", ", ")
        row_width = row.index_of(row.last_cell) + 1
        row_index = row.parent_table.index_of(row)
        if row.is_first_row and row.is_last_row:
            row_status_in_table = "only"
        elif row.is_first_row:
            row_status_in_table = "first"
        elif row.is_last_row:
            row_status_in_table = "last"
            row_status_in_table = ""

        if row_status_in_table != "":
            row_status_in_table = f", the {row_status_in_table} row in this table,"

        row_index += 1
        self._indent_and_append_line(f"[Row start] Row #{row_index}{row_status_in_table} width {row_width}, \"{row_contents}\"")
        self.doc_traversal_depth += 1

        return aw.VisitorAction.CONTINUE

    def visit_row_end(self, row: aw.Row) -> aw.VisitorAction:
        """Called after all the child nodes of a Row node have been visited."""

        self.doc_traversal_depth -= 1
        self._indent_and_append_line("[Row end]")

        return aw.VisitorAction.CONTINUE

    def visit_cell_start(self, cell: aw.Cell) -> aw.VisitorAction:
        """Called when a Cell node is encountered in the document."""

        row = cell.parent_row
        table = row.parent_table
        if cell.is_first_cell and cell.is_last_cell:
            cell_status_in_row = "only"
        elif cell.is_first_cell:
            cell_status_in_row = "first"
        elif cell.is_last_cell:
            cell_status_in_row = "last"
            cell_status_in_row = ""

        if cell_status_in_row != "":
            cell_status_in_row = f", the {cell_status_in_row} cell in this row"

        self._indent_and_append_line(f"[Cell start] Row {table.index_of(row) + 1}, Col {row.index_of(cell) + 1}{cell_status_in_row}")
        self.doc_traversal_depth += 1

        return aw.VisitorAction.CONTINUE

    def visit_cell_end(self, cell: aw.Cell) -> aw.VisitorAction:
        """Called after all the child nodes of a Cell node have been visited."""

        self.doc_traversal_depth -= 1
        self._indent_and_append_line("[Cell end]")
        return aw.VisitorAction.CONTINUE

    def _indent_and_append_line(self, text: str):
        """Append a line to the output, and indent it depending on how deep the visitor is
        into the current table's tree of child nodes."""

        for i in range(self.doc_traversal_depth):
            self.visited_tables.write("|  ")

        self.visited_tables.write(text + "\n")

See Also