CR property

ControlChar.CR property

Carriage return character: “\x000d” or “\r”. Same as ControlChar.PARAGRAPH_BREAK.

def CR(self) -> str:


Shows how to use control characters.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

# Insert paragraphs with text with DocumentBuilder.
builder.writeln("Hello world!")
builder.writeln("Hello again!")

# Converting the document to text form reveals that control characters
# represent some of the document's structural elements, such as page breaks.
self.assertEqual("Hello world!" + aw.ControlChar.CR +
                 "Hello again!" + aw.ControlChar.CR +
                 aw.ControlChar.PAGE_BREAK, doc.get_text())

# When converting a document to string form,
# we can omit some of the control characters with the "strip" method.
self.assertEqual("Hello world!" + aw.ControlChar.CR +
                 "Hello again!", doc.get_text().strip())

See Also