pixel_to_point method


Converts pixels to points at 96 dpi.

def pixel_to_point(self, pixels: float):
pixelsfloatThe value to convert.


1 inch equals 72 points.

pixel_to_point(pixels, resolution)

Converts pixels to points at the specified pixel resolution.

def pixel_to_point(self, pixels: float, resolution: float):
pixelsfloatThe value to convert.
resolutionfloatThe dpi (dots per inch) resolution.


1 inch equals 72 points.


Shows how to specify page properties in pixels.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# A section's "Page Setup" defines the size of the page margins in points.
# We can also use the "ConvertUtil" class to use a different measurement unit,
# such as pixels when defining boundaries.
page_setup = builder.page_setup
page_setup.top_margin = aw.ConvertUtil.pixel_to_point(100)
page_setup.bottom_margin = aw.ConvertUtil.pixel_to_point(200)
page_setup.left_margin = aw.ConvertUtil.pixel_to_point(225)
page_setup.right_margin = aw.ConvertUtil.pixel_to_point(125)
# A pixel is 0.75 points.
self.assertEqual(0.75, aw.ConvertUtil.pixel_to_point(1))
self.assertEqual(1.0, aw.ConvertUtil.point_to_pixel(0.75))
# The default DPI value used is 96.
self.assertEqual(0.75, aw.ConvertUtil.pixel_to_point(1, 96))
# Add content to demonstrate the new margins.
builder.writeln(f'This Text is {page_setup.left_margin} points/{aw.ConvertUtil.point_to_pixel(page_setup.left_margin)} pixels from the left, ' + f'{page_setup.right_margin} points/{aw.ConvertUtil.point_to_pixel(page_setup.right_margin)} pixels from the right, ' + f'{page_setup.top_margin} points/{aw.ConvertUtil.point_to_pixel(page_setup.top_margin)} pixels from the top, ' + f'and {page_setup.bottom_margin} points/{aw.ConvertUtil.point_to_pixel(page_setup.bottom_margin)} pixels from the bottom of the page.')
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'UtilityClasses.points_and_pixels.docx')

Shows how to use convert points to pixels with default and custom resolution.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Define the size of the top margin of this section in pixels, according to a custom DPI.
my_dpi = 192
page_setup = builder.page_setup
page_setup.top_margin = aw.ConvertUtil.pixel_to_point(100, my_dpi)
self.assertAlmostEqual(37.5, page_setup.top_margin, delta=0.01)
# At the default DPI of 96, a pixel is 0.75 points.
self.assertEqual(0.75, aw.ConvertUtil.pixel_to_point(1))
builder.writeln(f'This Text is {page_setup.top_margin} points/{aw.ConvertUtil.point_to_pixel(page_setup.top_margin, my_dpi)} ' + f'pixels (at a DPI of {my_dpi}) from the top of the page.')
# Set a new DPI and adjust the top margin value accordingly.
new_dpi = 300
page_setup.top_margin = aw.ConvertUtil.pixel_to_new_dpi(page_setup.top_margin, my_dpi, new_dpi)
self.assertAlmostEqual(59.0, page_setup.top_margin, delta=0.01)
builder.writeln(f'At a DPI of {new_dpi}, the text is now {page_setup.top_margin} points/{aw.ConvertUtil.point_to_pixel(page_setup.top_margin, my_dpi)} ' + 'pixels from the top of the page.')
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'UtilityClasses.points_and_pixels_dpi.docx')

See Also