move_to_field method

move_to_field(field, is_after)

Moves the cursor to a field in the document.

def move_to_field(self, field: aspose.words.fields.Field, is_after: bool):
fieldFieldThe field to move the cursor to.
is_afterboolWhen True, moves the cursor to be after the field end. When False, moves the cursor to be before the field start.


Shows how to move a document builder’s node insertion point cursor to a specific field.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

# Insert a field using the DocumentBuilder and add a run of text after it.
field = builder.insert_field(" AUTHOR \"John Doe\" ")

# The builder's cursor is currently at end of the document.

# Move the cursor to the field while specifying whether to place that cursor before or after the field.
builder.move_to_field(field, move_cursor_to_after_the_field)

# Note that the cursor is outside of the field in both cases.
# This means that we cannot edit the field using the builder like this.
# To edit a field, we can use the builder's "move_to" method on a field's FieldStart
# or FieldSeparator node to place the cursor inside.
if move_cursor_to_after_the_field:
    builder.write(" Text immediately after the field.")

    self.assertEqual("\u0013 AUTHOR \"John Doe\" \u0014John Doe\u0015 Text immediately after the field.",
    self.assertEqual(field.start, builder.current_node)
    builder.write("Text immediately before the field. ")

    self.assertEqual("Text immediately before the field. \u0013 AUTHOR \"John Doe\" \u0014John Doe\u0015",

See Also